Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 05 – And His Atomic Earth Blaster

“But maybe there’s another way!” Bud muttered. He gave a blast of power to the jet lifters and the Sky Queen zoomed up, then soared away as though fleeing from the Kranjovian camp.

Suddenly he banked the plane sharply and sent it roaring back straight at the enemy! He was hoping to catch Bronich and his men by surprise. But the 184 TOM SWIFT AND HIS ATOMIC BLASTER

Kranjovian agent had spotted Bud’s maneuver. Before Bud could let go with a searing blast from the jet lifters, Bronich’s men had dragged Tom straight into the path of the oncoming plane.

They were using the young inventor as a human shield! Bud fumed with helpless rage. But there was nothing he could do except shut off the jet lifters and wing harmlessly over the heads of the enemy. He refused to give up, however. Again and again, he made lightning passes at the Kranjovians, coming at them from every direction.

But each time Bronich’s men thwarted Bud’s attack by shoving Tom directly in his line of fire.

Finally the copilot realized there was only one way to save his friend and that was to get help. Roaring upward in a steep climb, he sent the Sky Queen streaking homeward toward the American camp.

Watching the great plane disappear in the distance, Bronich broke into loud, snorting laughter.

“So! Your friend runs away, like typical Yankee dog, with his tail between his legs!” Bronich turned mockingly to Tom. “And now, since you violated our truce, you will stay and become one of us!”

“If you think I’m going to help you, you’ve got another think coming!” Tom said defiantly.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor