Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 05 – And His Atomic Earth Blaster

“Seein7 as how you gents are prob’ly gonna be late fer supper at home,” he explained, “I figgered I’d better rustle you up some grub right here.”

With a shock of surprise, the four conferees saw that they had been talking much longer than they realized. It was almost half past seven. Outside, daylight had faded into dusk.


“This South Pole trip will be quite a change from Texas, Chow,” Uncle Ned remarked with a smile, as they all consumed the food hungrily.

“How d’you mean?”

“All the ice and snow you’ll have to contend with.” He turned to Tom. “How cold does it get down there, anyhow?”

“It gets mighty cold,” replied the young inventor. “Some places the temperature never rises above five degrees even in midsummer. And in winter, it drops down to a hundred below zero!”

“Leapin” cactus!” Beneath his heavy tan Chow’s face paled, and he gave a nervous shudder. “Why, man alive, that’s worse’n a blizzard on the open plains!

Brand my jets, I ain’t so sure I wanta go ‘long on this ole expedition!”

“Don’t worry, Chow.” Tom grinned. “We’ll have electrical heating units built into our suits, with thermostats to regulate the temperature. All you’ll have to do is set the right temperature on the dial and you can stay as warm as you like, no matter how cold it gets outside!”

The Texan chuckled with relief. “Now you’re talkin’, boy!” But then his face became sober again. “Come to think of it, that means I’ll have to do all my cookin’

with gloves on-an’ that’s somethin’ no self-respectin’ chuck-wagon cook would be caught dead with!”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor