Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 05 – And His Atomic Earth Blaster

Tom leaned out of his hiding place to get a view of the speakers. It was impossible to see the person in the kitchen. But in the glow of light, Tom clearly saw the man who had come through the passageway. He was a short, heavy-set individual, partly bald. Tom had never seen him before.

There were a few more remarks in low tones which Tom could not hear.

Then the man called Podski climbed up into the kitchen, and the trap door closed behind him.

The trio emerged from their hiding place and consulted on what to do next.

“If we trail this fellow Podski,” Ames said, “he may lead us to other members of the gang. Perhaps even to Bronich himself!”

“If we don’t want to lose him, we’d better split A BOLD OFFER 63

up and watch every entrance to the club,” Tom said.

“Good idea,” agreed the security chief. “Suppose I take the front door. Tom, you watch at the side. Bud, you keep an eye on this exit.”

The boys agreed to Ames’ plan and they took up their posts. Tom crouched in a thick mass of shrubbery where he could have a clear view of the side door without being seen.

Time went by slowly. Tom felt painfully stiff and cramped. Again and again he shifted position to ease the strain on his aching muscles.

Finally the club guests began going home. Cars were driven away from the private parking lot. All the lights were turned off inside the building as the last employee left. A short time later Ames rejoined Tom.

“Any sign of Podski?” he asked.

When the young inventor said no, they made their way back to the shore line, where Bud was standing watch. He, too, had seen no sign of their quarry, and Podski’s boat was still tied up.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor