Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 05 – And His Atomic Earth Blaster

“Allow me to introduce my two companions,” he said, after shaking hands with Tom and Bud. “On my right is Daryl Blake, a brilliant young botanist who was most eager to volunteer for this trip.”

Blake, a husky, red-haired chap with a grinning, freckled face, promptly stuck out his hand and gave each of the boys a warm handclasp.

“Thanks for the orchids, Doc. But it really is true about my being all het up over this assignment. I’m anxious to experiment with some of those Antarctic plants I’ve read about.”

“I didn’t even know they had plants at the South Pole,” said Bud.

“Yes, indeed,” replied Blake, “and mighty interesting ones, too. Some of them are no bigger than a pinhead because they have only a few hours of sunlight every year in which to grow.”

Dr. Faber interrupted with a smile. “Tut-tut, my A CRUCIAL TEST 95

dear chap. If you get started on your favorite subject, we may all be standing here till midnight. And I have yet to introduce the third member of our party-Mr.

Harold Voorhees.”

Voorhees was an electrical engineer who specialized in thermal measurements. A big, handsome, powerfully built fellow, with blond hair and light-blue eyes, he had a smug, self-satisfied air which caused Bud to take an instant dislike to him.

“Rather young to be engaged in this type of work, aren’t you?” he said, smiling at the boys in a patronizing manner.

Bud leaned forward mischievously, pulling one ear forward, and drawled, “Tell you what, Hal, old man. Maybe you’d like to take a look and see if we’re dry behind the ears yet.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor