Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 05 – And His Atomic Earth Blaster

Uncle Ned considered for a few moments.


“Okay,” he agreed. “The job may help you iron out any bugs in your new design, and perhaps suggest other improvements. But no chrome-nickel-moly for this model. That stuff’s too expensive! You’ll have to build the machine with regular mild-carbon steel.”

Late that afternoon Tom was in his private laboratory at Swift Enterprises with Bud Barclay. Work was over for the day, and the two boys were discussing the expedition to the Antarctic.

Suddenly an alarm bell clanged.

“The radarscope!” Bud exclaimed. “Wait’ll I switch on the set!”

The two boys tensely watched the scope. As the scanner swept around the screen, a blip of light showed up in the five-o’clock sector, then began moving slowly in toward the center.

“Must be some kind of aircraft,” remarked Bud. “But what the dickens is the pilot up to?”

“We’ll soon find out!” said Tom. “Let’s go.”

Dashing outside, the boys stared skyward to the southeast.

“There it is!” Tom shouted.

A helicopter was spiraling crazily down!



THE HELICOPTER was yawing wildly from side to side as it floated downward.

“That pilot must be balmy!” Bud exclaimed.

“Maybe he’s hurt,” said Tom.

The two boys watched in puzzled and anxious concern, realizing they were helpless to aid the stricken craft.

“Let’s try for a closer look!” Tom cried. He ran back to the laboratory and returned a moment later with a pair of field glasses.

“Can you make anything out?” asked Bud, as his friend trained the glasses skyward.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor