Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 14 – And His Electronic Retroscope

Tom introduced himself and his two companions. Chow added suspiciously, “What’re them two things you said you was studyin’?”

Hutchcraft laughed patronizingly at Chow’s question. “Archaeology and philology. The first is the study of material remains of ancient cultures.”

“Oh. You’re one o’ them fellers who dig up ole stones an’ tombs an’


“You might put it that way. Philology, on the other hand, is the study of languages. I speak sev-16 ELECTRONIC RETROSCOPE

eral, and just now I’m doing field work, learning various Indian dialects.”

“Including Mayan?” Tom asked.

“Naturally,” Hutchcraft replied. “You see, there are four branches of the Mayan tongue-Mam, Aguacateca, Chuje, and Jacalteca. But I’m very much interested in the local tribe because they use certain words and phrases which differ from any of those dialects.”

Chow fanned himself with his ten-gallon hat and shook his head. “Sure sounds like gobbledy-gook to me.”

“Anyhow,” Tom said with a laugh, “it’s lucky you happened along with a gun just now.”

“If you’re wise, you’ll carry guns yourselves,” Hutchcraft warned. “This jungle country can be dangerous.”

Tom made no reply to this suggestion. Like his famous father, Tom Swift Sr., he felt that scientists should work for the peaceful advancement of mankind. In line with this belief, firearms were used only as a necessity on Swift expeditions.

Changing the subject, Tom explained the purpose of his flight to Yucatan. He invited Hutchcraft to join him and his friends in their visit to Quetzal’s village.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor