Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 14 – And His Electronic Retroscope

As Tom and Bud glared at the man contemptuously, Tom said, “Is Felzer a skinny guy?”

“Why-uh-yes. How do you know?”

“He’s been seen around here. Where’s he hiding?”

Hutchcraft hesitated. “Aaron lives in a jeep he keeps hidden in the jungle. He spies on me. I hate him. He’s responsible for everything, the skunk! Please don’t have me arrested! I’ve copied some other plans too. I’ll show you where they’re hidden if you’ll let me off!”

“We’re not promising anything,” Tom retorted sharply. “Show us the plans first.”

“All right,” Hutchcraft agreed meekly. “Follow A STARTLING CONFESSION 177

me.” He started off toward the excavation, with the boys close behind to prevent him from making a break. “The plans are hidden under some rocks on the other side of the diggings,” the Bostonian explained.

“Did you help yourself to Max’s treasures or was that Felzer?” Bud asked as they picked their way across the mound.

“I didn’t do it, so it must have been Felzer,” Hutchcraft insisted.

The three were now passing the cave-in where Tom and Bud had fallen into the Mayan tomb. Suddenly Hutchcraft whirled around and swung his flashlight viciously at Tom, hitting him on the side of the head. Stunned, the inventor pitched into Bud. The impact knocked the boys’ flashlights from their hands. For a moment Tom and Bud teetered on the edge of the pit, clawing the air to regain their balance 1 The next second, they plummeted into the yawning hole!

As they tumbled headlong into the darkness below, they heard Hutchcraft laugh fiendishly. “Now this will be your tomb, too!” he shrieked. “And here’s a grenade to make sure of it!”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor