Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 14 – And His Electronic Retroscope

Using simple words, Tom told the chief about the missile from outer space which had landed at Swift Enterprises. He also tried to explain about later communications received, which both he and his father were certain came from the inhabitants of space, possibly the planet Mars.


Chief Quetzal’s eyes grew wider and wider as he listened, even though it was clear that he failed to understand all of what Tom was saying.

“This must mean that some of our ancestors came from the sky!” Quetzal exclaimed proudly. “This stone has always belonged to my people.

Unfortunately,” he added sadly, “I know the meaning of only one other part of the inscription.”

Pointing to another group of symbols on the stone, Quetzal translated: ” ‘We will hunt for the rest of the armada.’ “

“An armada of spaceships from another planet I” Tom thought to himself excitedly.

A fleet manned by space beings must have landed in the jungle centuries ago! Was it possible that these space people were similar to humans, had intermarried with people who had lived here originally, and were the ancestors of this particular tribe?

Tom asked the king if he could tell him any legends about his ancestors coming to Yucatan. But Quetzal shook his head.

“One thing I do not understand,” he said. “Why did my people long ago write with these strange signs? They are not like the picture writing the rest of the old Mayas used.”

“The space people know that mathematics are the only exact ‘language’-a language which never changes,” Tom answered. “I believe they RELIC FROM SPACE 25

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Categories: Appleton, Victor