Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 14 – And His Electronic Retroscope

“Delighted,” the Bostonian replied. “As a matter of fact, I was on my way there just now.”

With Tom in the lead, they started down the jungle trail toward the Mayan village. Twilight


was falling over the steamy green rain forest, and the chattering birds began to hush. But the fading sunlight brought no cooling breeze to relieve the lowland heat. All four travelers were soon perspiring heavily as they tramped over the matted jungle path.

“The village is right ahead,” Tom announced presently.

Quetzal’s domain was little more than a huddle of palm-thatched huts.

Cooking fires blazed in front of every dwelling. The women, crouched over open stone fireplaces, were patting tortilla cakes out of corn meal for the evening repast, while children played nearby and men chatted in groups.

As Ahau Quetzal came forward to greet the visitors, Tom said, “This is a new friend of ours, also a North American,” and introduced Hutchcraft.

Quetzal invited the newcomer to stay, then took the visitors to a central fireplace, which Tom assumed served for village ceremonies and celebrations.

“I hope you will accept gifts of food from my people and that you will enjoy them,” he said.

The gifts turned out to include a roasted wild turkey, a heaping supply of papaya fruit, guavas, bananas, and avocado pears, as well as several gourds full of coconut milk.

“Brand my lil ole cookstove, we got enough


grub here for a reg’lar feast!” Chow gloated.

The Americans ate with hungry zest. Even Hutchcraft, who had made several sneering comments about the primitive cooking conditions, admitted that the meal was very good.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor