Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 14 – And His Electronic Retroscope

“You were just lucky,” Tom replied. “I think all that yelling you did must have unnerved the


jaguar. Then, when he finally closed in on you, you fainted.”

“Well, anyhow”-Max thrust out a huge hand and shook Tom’s in a bone-crushing grip-“I’m glad you came along. Guess I won’t corner a jaguar again!

Thanks for saving my life!”

“Forget it,” Tom responded with a smile. “I’m sure you’d have done the same in my place.”

“You bet your boots I would!” the giant boomed. “Say, how about dropping over to my cave for that visit we were talking about? It’s not far from here.”

Tom hesitated. Although the jungle strong man seemed genuinely grateful and friendly, Tom still did not trust him completely. To keep from appearing rude, the young inventor explained that right now he was in a hurry to reach the expedition’s laboratory plane.

“Suppose I stop in on my way back?” Tom suggested. Mentally he decided it might be wiser not to go to the cave alone with Max. “By the way,” he added, “have you seen that skinny guy again?”

Max shook his head. “Nope, not since the night I chased him.”

“If you do spot him around,” Tom requested, “see if you can find out what he’s up to.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll shake the truth out of him!” The man gave another of his deep, bellowing laughs. “Well, see you later, pall” He slapped Tom on the back, gave him another powerful


handshake, and walked over to the dead jaguar. With a grunt, he slung the heavy carcass over one shoulder.

“Don’t forget now. Come and see me,” Max urged. He pointed out the cave’s direction.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor