Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 14 – And His Electronic Retroscope

“I’m sure that Chow didn’t mean any harm,” Tom said soothingly, and the chef nodded emphatically. “Besides, we’d like to hear more about these health foods you’ve been eating down here.”

Max brightened immediately and began to talk about the fruits, nuts, and roots that he lived on. From his enthusiasm, the boys realized that the ex-wrestler was not only crackbrained on the sub-67


ject of health, but a food faddist of the most rabid kind.

Chow, who had been keeping a respectful distance from Max, now became interested. The cook was always eager to try out new concoctions. In the past he had served such unusual dishes as armadillo soup and whaleburgers. Perhaps some of the items Max mentioned might be worth trying, he thought.

Chow began questioning the giant and this seemed to please him immensely. Soon Max forgot his anger and became very friendly. “You fellows ought to come around and visit my cave some time,” he boomed cheerfully.

“Do you really live in a cave?” Tom asked.

“Sure! Got it fixed up nice and homelike,” Max boasted. “I even have a pet parrot and a lot of old relics.”

Tom’s eyes flashed with interest at mention of the relics. If they were of ancient Mayan workmanship, maybe some had space symbols like the sacred stone of Quetzal’s tribe!

Meanwhile, Bud decided that he would risk a blunt question while the giant was in a good humor. “What were you doing skulking around our plane last night?” he asked boldly.

Max looked surprised. “Now, how’d you know that?” he exclaimed. “I’ll bet someone snitched on me! That skinny little guy, eh? Well, it so happens I was chasing him!”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor