Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 14 – And His Electronic Retroscope

wrote in these symbols, so that people from any planet at any time could read and translate the message, even though they did not speak any earth language.”

The chief sighed and looked at Tom with great respect. “You are no doubt right, amigo.” It was plain that he was very much impressed by the young inventor’s knowledge.

Tom’s brain was seething with excitement. What had happened to the space voyagers? Had part of the armada been wrecked during the jungle landing?

Maybe traces of their space craft could still be found!

Aloud, he said to Quetzal, “Perhaps your ancestors left other carved stones or relics. May we search the forest?”

The chief shrugged. “The government of Mexico has laws about such things.

You must get their permission to do any digging.”

“I’ll certainly do that!” Tom promised. “Then I’ll be back.”

Meanwhile, Hutchcraft had been watching the speakers from a distance with great curiosity. He plied Bud and Chow with questions, trying to find out the reasons for Tom’s interest in the sacred stone. Both dodged his queries, thinking it wiser not to reveal any information of importance without Tom’s permission.

“Guess it’s time we started back to the plane,” Tom said when he finally rejoined them.


“Fine. But what happened to our passengers?” Bud added, looking around.

The five Mayas who were to accompany them to Shopton had disappeared!

Alarmed, Tom asked Chief Quetzal where they had gone.

“Have no fear,” the ahau replied. “They are merely preparing for the journey.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor