Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 16 – And the Cosmic Astronauts

“I’ll build a brand-new experimental craft on this principle,” Tom thought elatedly, “and even call it a space kite!”

But first, Tom realized, he would have to develop a revolutionary device for utilizing the cosmic rays-a sort of cosmic reactor to convert the rays into a usable force. This force would move the spaceship, just as the wind moved the boys’

kite aloft!

Suddenly an automobile horn blasted shrilly in his ear. Tom had been so deep in thought, he jumped. A white convertible whizzed past, then braked to a halt.

“Phyl!” Tom yelled, laughing. “What’s the pitch-scaring a guy this way?”

The driver-a pretty girl with long dark hair flying in the breeze-flashed a mischievous smile at her “victim” and backed up. She was Phyllis Newton, daughter of Mr. Swift’s old comrade-inarms, “Uncle Ned” Newton, who now managed the Swift Construction Company. Tom considered her the most attractive date in Shopton.


“Daydreaming again, eh?” Phyl teased. “Better watch that, professor!”

“I didn’t expect such distracting scenery.” Tom grinned as he climbed in next to her.

She blushed a little and stepped on the accelerator. As they started off, a stake truck roared by, bearing the label shopton truck rental company. Phyl followed, both vehicles going at a brisk speed.

Without warning, the truck suddenly stopped short. Phyl gasped and swung the wheel hard, but it was impossible to avoid a crash. With a shattering impact the convertible rammed into the rear of the truck I CHAPTER III

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Categories: Appleton, Victor