Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 16 – And the Cosmic Astronauts

“Right. If it does, Whaley must be hard up for money. Bud, I’d better report this to Harlan Ames.”

Mr. Swift came in just as Tom was hanging up. His eyes were aglow with excitement. “Hello, boys,” he said. “Big news. Our space friends have just sent us a very interesting message!”



“A MESSAGE from our space friends? What is it, Dad?” Tom asked eagerly.

These space beings had first contacted the Swifts by means of a strange black missile, etched with mathematical symbols, which had landed at Swift Enterprises. The Swifts had translated the symbols and exchanged further messages by radio signals beamed through space.

Bud, too, was excited. “This is the first you’ve heard from them since they asked your help in curing the disease that struck their planet’s animal life, isn’t it?”

Tom nodded. “But don’t forget those traces of an earth landing by outer-space beings centuries ago that we found in the Mexican jungle. Or that queer-looking wrecked spaceship we discovered near the undersea city of gold.”

“Let’s hear the new message,” Sandy interrupted impatiently.



Mr. Swift smiled, fully sharing their excitement. “The message stated that if Tom and I stand by the space receiver at noon tomorrow, they’ll advise us about a gift to be sent to us from outer space.”

“A gift! How thrilling!” Sandy burst out. “I wonder what it’ll be?”

“Any more to the message, Dad?” Tom asked.

“No, son. I can’t imagine what they have in mind. But I signaled back that the message had been received and to go ahead.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor