Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 16 – And the Cosmic Astronauts



“HEY! Wh-what’s the big idea?” Bud gasped as he and Tom, although taken by surprise, fought furiously to free themselves from their assailant’s iron grip.

The man’s only answer was to give the two boys a tremendous shove. Tom and Bud were roused to fighting rage. Tom managed to hook a foot around one of the brawny’s fellow’s legs. The next instant, the giant lost his balance and toppled heavily to the floor, carrying both boys with him.

Bud drove a fist into the man’s midriff, and Tom followed with a jarring uppercut. The giant’s head rocked back and bumped the floorboards.

Punching with his hamlike fists, he lashed at them wildly. But the boys now had the advantage. Their opponent finally gasped for mercy.

“Quit! S-stop it! I know when I’m licked!”

“You’ll get worse than this if you try any more 114


funny stuff!” Bud warned. Doubling his fists, he poised menacingly-ready for instant action. “Okay. You can get up now, you big ape. But one false move and I’ll let fly a few uppercuts.”

“D-don’t worry,” the defeated fighter gulped in a quavering voice. “I ain’t askin’ for another goin’-over. You two guys are tougher’n I figured!”

As the man struggled painfully to his feet, Tom darted a quick glance about the room. It was poorly but neatly furnished with a cheap-looking, red-upholstered sofa and chairs, and a threadbare patch of carpeting. The dim glow of an Oriental brass lamp revealed a bronze Buddha on the mantelpiece and a Chinese calendar tacked to one wall.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor