Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 16 – And the Cosmic Astronauts

Mr. Swift admitted that he had already arrived at the same opinion and added, “He’s up to something unique to have stayed in hiding so effectively with so many agencies after him.”

Shortly before five o’clock Sandy telephoned


her brother. After talking with her, Tom called Bud Barclay. “How about coming over to dinner tonight, chum? The girls are expecting us.”

“Count me in!” Bud said breezily.

The copilot walked into Tom’s office a short time later, neatly dressed in a white shirt, bow tie, and sports jacket. The two boys drove with Tom’s father to the Swift home.

“Hi, strangers!” said Phyl Newton with a smile as the boys came into the big comfortable living room. Tom grinned with pleasure at sight of his pretty, dark-haired date.

“As usual, they need an engraved invitation to spend an evening with us,”

Sandy teased. It was a standing joke that Tom and Bud were practically always too busy to take the two girls anywhere.

“Just a pair of squares, that’s us,” Bud admitted.

Sandy had set the table attractively for the occasion, and dinner was served by glowing candlelight. The main course, Mrs. Swift’s mouthwatering fried chicken, was followed by dessert of piping hot mince pie and ice cream.

“Tom, I hope you’re not planning a return flight to the space station soon,”

Bud declared. “I doubt if I could get off the ground again, after all the chow I put away tonight!”

Tom chuckled. “Better starve off a few pounds. I want to get back to the outpost as soon as possible to work on my cosmic reactor.”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor