Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 16 – And the Cosmic Astronauts

“Just what I was thinking, son.” Mr. Swift’s eyes glowed in anticipation. “What a challenge! Who knows!! If we can produce this element, it may revolutionize our ideas on rocket metallurgy!”

“In that case we’ll owe a great big debt of gratitude to our space friends,”

Tom remarked.

It was decided that Mr. Swift would embark on the project at once when they returned to Enterprises, while Tom would continue his own space-flight experiments based on the kite idea.

Back in Shopton that evening, after their return from the space station, the boys took Sandy and Phyl to dinner at the Shopton Country Club.


Afterward they danced, then went to sit on the terrace under the stars.

“I’m sorry we couldn’t see your space ‘souvenir’ while it was still alive,” Phyl said.

“Never mind. We’ve planned something just as exciting,” Sandy said. “A beach party on Lake Carlopa next Monday 1 And don’t you two boys try to wriggle out of itl”

Bud grinned and winked at Tom. “I’ll go if the grub’s good.”

Tom added laughingly, “And if you promise we won’t be followed by any spies or suspicious characters.”

“Oh!” Sandy snapped her fingers. “That reminds me of a message I forgot to give you, Tom!”



“WHAT was the message, Sis?” Tom asked eagerly as Sandy took a slip of paper from her handbag.

“A man called and said you had stolen his coat!”

“What!” Tom repeated in astonishment.

“He gave me his phone number and wanted you to call him back,” Sandy went on. “Here it is.”

Tom read the number jotted on the slip of paper, then exchanged glances with Bud. “Must be that man we chased at the freight yard! Girls, will you please excuse me for a few minutes. I’d like to check into this right away!”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor