Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 16 – And the Cosmic Astronauts


1 Sky Pirates!

2 The Invisible String

3 Space Kite

4 The Mysterious Iceberg

5 Destination Outpost

6 A Hazardous Rocket Trip

7 Night Alarm

8 Saboteur Search

9 Cosmic Storm

10 Telephone Threat

11 Adrift!

12 Repelatron Rescue

13 The Eavesdropper

14 Solar-System Gift

15 The Rocket’s Secret

16 The Spanking Sunspot

17 A Dangerous Rendezvous

18 The Cosmic Sailer

19 In Li Ching’s Clutches

20 A Daring Plan



“What’s up? A new space project?” Bud Barclay asked eagerly.

Tom Swift Jr. nodded. “I’m trying to invent an improved method of space travel-a way that will lick the cost problem.”

The lanky young inventor was seated in his ultramodern glass-walled laboratory at Swift Enterprises. Although only eighteen years old, Tom was a veteran of many thrilling space voyages.

“Tell me more, pal!” demanded Bud. “Got any ideas that’ll do the trick?”

Husky, dark-haired Bud was Tom’s copilot and closest friend.

“Hmm. Well, I think I have a-”

Tom broke off as the telephone rang. He picked it up. “Tom Swift Jr.


The next instant Tom’s face blanched. “What! The Sea Charger’s been stolen?”

His steel-blue eyes flashed and met Bud’s in a i


look of dismay. The Sea Charger, the Swifts’ latest ocean-going experimental ship, had only recently been built and launched. Far surpassing any other scientific craft afloat, it had a fully equipped laboratory, a runway deck for planes, and a unique cable-drawn launching pad for space vehicles.

“Give me the details, Harlan!” Tom requested tersely. Harlan Ames was the chief of Swift Enterprises’ security department.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor