Dark Legend. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 8

Francesca smoothed back the ragged ends of Skyler’s hair. “Our housekeepers arrive today. They will be living with us on a permanent basis, we hope. Gabriel and I have many duties to perform and for a brief time during the daylight hours we will not be home and it will be difficult to reach us. I want someone I trust with you at all times so you feel safe. But you remember this is your home. If something is done or said that you do not like, I expect you to convey it to me so we can deal with it together. If you have fears or wish to change something in the household, please say so. Your happiness and comfort matter to us. It is no bother. We want to do things for you.”

“My room is beautiful, Francesca,” Skyler said, her voice still so soft and thin it made Francesca want to gather the girl into her arms. “Thank you for going to so much trouble for me.”

“It was fun. Shopping together will be fun.” Francesca laughed softly. “You turned pale at the thought of shopping. Most girls would be thrilled. I finally get my daughter, or younger sister, whichever label you prefer, and you do not want to shop for clothes.”

Skyler brought a trembling hand to the thin scar on her face and rubbed it self-consciously. “I haven’t been out in public in a long time,” she confessed.

Gabriel took her hand gently and brought the worst scar to his cheek. “When you decide you are up to it, we will all go and look at the strange people out there together. It will be much more fun that way.”

Skyler stared up at him for a long time, her eyes moving over his harsh, sensual features, studying every inch of his face. Her smile was very slow in coming, but when it did, it lit up her eyes. “I think you are almost as afraid of all those people as I am, just not in the same way.”

Francesca laughed at Gabriel’s wry expression, the joyful sound filling their home with love. She could do that, Gabriel thought. Francesca could fill up every inch of that huge house with love. Each moment spent in her company only deepened his feelings for her. There was so much light spilling out of her it fascinated him. Gabriel had lived in a world of darkness, of violence, for so long, he could only stare in awe at Francesca. His black eyes met Skyler’s dove-gray gaze and they shared a small smile of mutual understanding. She felt the same way. Both of them wanted to bask in Francesca’s healing light for all eternity.

Francesca slipped her arm around Skyler’s waist, a gesture so natural to her, Skyler didn’t think to pull away. “We won’t have to worry about going out in public until you’re ready, honey. I just want you to feel comfortable and safe here at home. I think you’ll like our new housekeepers.”

Skyler made a face and exchanged another quick look with Gabriel. He was making the same face. Francesca laughed at them. “I can see how it’s going to be. You two are a couple of hermits. There will be no ganging up against Francesca, you two. Skyler, you like your bodyguard, don’t you?”

Skyler shrugged. “I try never to look at him.”

“Well, you should. He’s quite nice-looking,” Francesca replied.

“That will be enough of that,” Gabriel interrupted. “You do not need to find any man good-looking other than me.”

Francesca smiled very sweetly. “But then, I don’t remember ever saying you were good-looking.”

Skyler found herself laughing. For one moment in time, she forgot. She forgot the scars on her body. She forgot the scars on her mind and soul. She was a young girl enjoying a moment of happiness with two people she was growing fond of. It was nearly impossible to believe she could trust them so quickly, but she did. “Are you going to let her get away with that?” she asked Gabriel, her eyes sparkling. “You are good-looking and she’s noticed. I know she has.”

He shackled Francesca’s wrist when she would have run, and dragged her close. “I am going to hypnotize her and plant all kinds of suggestions. You can help me, Skyler. I think she should revere me.”

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Categories: Christine Feehan