Dark Legend. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 8

Francesca knew very well Gabriel was probably quite wealthy. No matter how long he had been sleeping beneath the earth, he would have a stash of gold or something of equal value to sustain him. Those in his line would keep his properties intact for him. If he had none, all Carpathians would contribute significant amounts to ease his way back into society. It was their way to aid one another at all times when there was need. In Carpathian society, wealth meant nothing. It was to be shared as a means of continuing their kind, of keeping them a secret. Gabriel had not yet had time to collect what was rightfully his, but he would. In any case, Francesca could do no other than live by the code of her people and share what was hers with him.

“I have asked him to find his own place as soon as he gets his bearings, but I will not force him to leave my home. Now tell me about your patient or I’m leaving.” She meant it too. If Brice pushed her any harder she was just going to walk away and not come back for a very long time.

He recognized the finality in her voice. “She’s fourteen years old, and looks as if she’s been in a train wreck. X rays show a multitude of broken bones, some set by physicians and some knitted crookedly on their own. She’s practically comatose. She looks at me, but won’t say a word. I can’t even tell whether she actually hears me. She’s in bad shape. She has some wicked-looking scars on her back and some particularly bad ones on her hands and arms as if she fought back many times. She looks as if she’s been battered repeatedly. Her father brought her in, a brute of a man, nasty, doesn’t say much. No other relatives. Cops say he’s a career criminal but no history of child abuse. We can’t prove the father’s a sadistic abuser without the child’s account, and she can’t talk to us. He wants to take her home, says she’s retarded, but I don’t think so.”

Francesca felt her heart turn over. She hated this kind of thing, had fought for centuries to establish safe havens for women and children, yet there were never enough. Fourteen years old. Why would a father torture and abuse his own child while her species fought so hard to preserve their children? Carpathian males always protected women and children above their own lives. It just didn’t make any sense and her heart bled for the poor teenager with no one to protect her from the very person who should have loved her the most. “Was there sexual abuse?”

Brice nodded. “Absolutely there was. This child has been so abused it’s sickening.”

“You have need of my aid, honey?” Gabriel’s beautiful voice brushed gently at the walls of her mind.

“Show her to me, Brice,” she instructed softly. “A child has been abused. I am going to see her now. Brice said they suspect the father.” Without really thinking about it, she sent him all of the information Brice had given to her. “I will be fine.”

“I expect you to call should there be need.” Along with the soft command she was immediately flooded with warmth and comfort, strong arms to anchor her as she faced another emotional battering.

* * *

Chapter Four

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Brice pushed open the door to the young woman’s room and stepped back to allow Francesca entry. Fortunately the girl’s father was not present. The man was a bully and Brice was afraid of him. He crossed the room, smiling gently at the young woman huddled on the bed. She hadn’t looked up or indicated in any way that she noticed their entry.

“Skyler, I’d like you to meet a friend of mine. I know you can hear me, Skyler. This is Francesca. She’s an extraordinary woman. You don’t have to be afraid of her.”

Francesca watched Brice, noticed how gentle his movements has become around the teenager. That was one of the things that drew her to Brice. The way he was with children, with those who were hurt and wounded. He cared. It couldn’t have anything to do with money, she was certain of that. Brice really wanted to make things right, wanted to help these little lost souls. Her heart warmed and she smiled at him as she glided forward to seat herself in the chair Brice had placed right beside the bed.

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Categories: Christine Feehan