Dark Legend. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 8

To her astonishment, Skyler’s steady gaze wavered. She closed her eyes, the long lashes sweeping down so they lay like two thick black crescents against her pale skin. “I felt you inside me, reaching out to me. I know you aren’t like most people.” Her voice was so soft it was a mere thread of sound. “I know things I’m not supposed to know about people. When I touch them, I know things. You do, too. You know what he did to me, the things he let his friends do to me. You want to make it all better, but even if you could take away the memories, you can never make me innocent and good again.”

“You don’t believe that, Skyler. You’re smarter than that. They may have touched your body, but not your soul. They could have destroyed your body, but never your soul. You are already good and innocent. You have always been that. The things done to you cannot change your basic nature. They can shape you, make you stronger. You know that you’re strong, don’t you? You found a way to survive what would have destroyed others.”

Skyler’s small teeth touched her lower lip in agitation but she didn’t answer.

Francesca smiled at her, a gentle smile of commitment to Skyler’s healing. “You’re right about me. I am different, just as you are different. Perhaps the world around us can shape us, but we are strong inside. You are whole. There is no stain on your soul to cause you to be afraid to be with me. I shared everything with you, your pain, the degradation, the beatings, the fear, all of it. I want you with me where I can shelter you, offer you the things you should have had, things you truly deserve. You’re holding my hand, you know the things I am saying are true.”

“There were others with you when you were sharing my memories. I felt them, two men with us.”

“There was only one man,” Francesca corrected gently. “Gabriel. He is a very powerful man. Under his protection there is no one who can harm you.”

Skyler looked puzzled. “There was another. I am sure of it. There was one staying very quiet, lending his strength to you and to me. But the other remained passive while you were here with me. After you left, I remember him holding me, yet he wasn’t touching me at all. His arms were strong and felt very different than any other’s. He wanted nothing from me, only to comfort and help. Who is he?”

“Only Gabriel was with us, sweetheart. Maybe you were dreaming.”

“I felt all three of you distinctly. He was very strong. There was no anger or rage, only a quiet acceptance. He examined my memories. I know he was learning about you through me, I felt it.” Skyler sighed in resignation. “You don’t believe me. You think I’m making it up.”

“No, I don’t think that at all, Skyler,” Francesca said. He was learning about you through me. “I simply do not know who it was. I only felt you. Later I realized Gabriel had shared your ordeal with me, but I was so caught up in it at the time I was focused solely on you. I believe you have this gift. How could I do otherwise? You cannot lie to me. Even though I cannot ‘see’ this man in your mind, that does not mean he was not with you. You knew I shared your memories when few others would have known. You are aware I am different from others. Stay with us, Skyler, with Gabriel and me. We are different. I’m not going to pretend otherwise, but our feelings for you are genuine.” She sent a quick mental report of the conversation to Gabriel. It alarmed her that Skyler remembered so vividly the feeling of another sharing their mind merge.

“How can I ever face myself, look in the mirror again?” For the first time the thin, small voice held emotion, a sob of burning pain, quickly beaten back. Skyler’s torment immediately claimed Francesca’s full attention.

She tightened her hold on Skyler. “Look at me, sweetheart. Look at me.” It was a soft command.

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Categories: Christine Feehan