Dark Legend. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 8

Brice nodded slowly. “I will give my consent then, Judge, as long as you have knowledge of his background.”

Gabriel smiled pleasantly. “Thank you, Doctor, although I was unaware your approval was needed in this case. Skyler is technically a ward of the court.” He sounded mildly amused at the presumption that Brice was needed at all.

Brice turned a dull red. Damn the man and his manner. His voice was so beautiful and compelling, so perfectly amiable no one could fault him, yet he was deliberately insulting. “Skyler is my patient. She needs my clearance to leave the hospital. I take my job very seriously.” He moved at once to establish his authority.

Gabriel bowed with an Old World courtesy, a courtly gesture, as though he were a prince dealing with a peasant. Brice gritted his teeth to keep from swearing. He hated everything about Gabriel. His tall, well-muscled frame, his broad shoulders, the long shiny hair tied with a leather thong at the nape of his neck. How could a grown man look so well dressed with his hair like that? Brice hated the elegance of his clothes, the sensuality of his mouth, the inhuman look of his eyes. Most of all he hated the power that clung to Gabriel, the complete self-confidence. He carried himself like a man used to commanding others. It was easy to imagine him as a feudal lord in another lifetime. Brice felt as if Gabriel was secretly laughing at him, as if he was a source of amusement and no more.

Gabriel smiled at him easily, a show of those immaculate white teeth. How did he get them that white? Brice wanted to smash those glistening white teeth right down Gabriel’s throat. “Skyler is well on the road to recovery. Francesca tells me she is stronger every day. I am certain it will not be much longer before she is able to be home with us.”

To everyone’s surprise it was Skyler who replied. “I am feeling much stronger.” She said it defiantly, her voice soft and trembling but quite clear. “And if anyone cares about my opinion, I want to live with Francesca and Gabriel.” She had no idea why she felt a sudden compulsion to add Gabriel’s name when she really meant Francesca. Men frightened her. Even Gabriel, although she sensed only compassion and caring in his feelings for her. She was more astonished by her outburst than anyone. She hadn’t spoken to anyone in months, yet now she was in a room filled with adults, strangers really, and they were deciding her life. It was terrifying and she was grateful for the stuffed animal and the strange soothing comfort it offered her.

“I’m glad to hear that,” Brice said immediately, recognizing he needed to back down. “The stronger you are, the happier we are, Skyler.” He turned his back on Gabriel as he spoke. He knew Gabriel would read the lie in his eyes otherwise. Skyler should have been grateful to him: he was her doctor; he had been the one who had risked his license by bringing Francesca in to see his patient without parental consent.

Brice made himself smile down at the child. After all, he could charm women. It was his best asset. “I’ll have you out of here in no time, young lady, and that should please you immensely.” His gaze swung around to encompass the officials. “If you’re finished here, I suggest you leave and allow my patient to rest. She is quite pale.”

Francesca leaned down to hug Skyler. “I’m going to have such fun preparing a room for you. I know the things you like,.”

Skyler caught her arm, lowered her voice to a soft whisper. “I hid my mother’s locket in my old bedroom. It’s behind the paneling next to my bed. I don’t want anything but that. I don’t want anything of his.”

Francesca nodded solemnly. “Don’t worry, honey, the locket will be waiting for you at home. I’ll see to it personally.” She murmured the promise softly as she brushed her mouth against Skyler’s forehead.

Gabriel reached right passed Brice as if he weren’t there and captured Francesca’s hand, twining his fingers through hers as if they belonged together. “You need to sign the papers, sweetheart, and then, I think we will visit several shops for our young lady.” He flashed his smile at Skyler, the one that could light up the sky and take Francesca’s breath away. She loved him in that one single moment. She loved the way he reassured Skyler with genuine caring. She felt it in him. He was her lifemate and could not lie to her or mislead her in any way about his true feelings. He wanted Skyler to share their life and their protection. He wanted her safe from all harm. There was true goodness in Gabriel.

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Categories: Christine Feehan