Dark Legend. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 8

“You heard what the judge said. He has all he needs to know about Gabriel. His life is a matter of security. It’s classified.”

Brice bit back an explosion of swear words. “Is that what he told you? And you just believe him? Don’t you see, Francesca? He could be a criminal of the worst sort. You’re too trusting. He just waltzes back into your life after dropping off the face of the earth and you accept him. The judge accepts him. Your attorney accepts him. My God, don’t you see? He’s not like us.”

“No, he’s not. He’s good and kind and has no ulterior motive when it comes to Skyler.” Francesca’s dark eyes were flashing fire at him. She was so beautiful Brice found himself reaching for her, wanting to take her into his arms. He must have blinked because she moved so fast he didn’t actually see her move, but his arms dropped empty to his sides.

“That’s a hell of a thing to say to me. I wanted Skyler to get better. I was the one who asked you to look at her in the first place. Her father had no money. Don’t forget that, Francesca, while you’re so busy condemning me. And don’t think for one minute your precious Gabriel has no ulterior motive when it comes to Skyler. His motive is you. He wants you and he’ll use anyone to get you. Is Gabriel holding something over your head? Are you afraid of him? Is that what it is? You can tell me. I can help you. He can’t be so powerful we couldn’t fight him together.”

Francesca almost burst out laughing. Brice had no concept of what power really was. The two of them and an army could not defeat Gabriel. “No, Brice. I’m not afraid of Gabriel, but thank you for asking. I’m grateful you would want to help me.”

“Why have you taken him back into your life without so much as a fight?” Brice demanded. “He just showed up on your doorstep and you let him in. Why? Why didn’t you take some time to get to know him again? Don’t you see what a mistake this is? I’m your friend and I can see him more clearly than you. He’s dangerous, Francesca. I mean really dangerous. He’s a criminal of some sort. He reeks of it.”

Francesca shook her head wearily. “I don’t want to fight with you any more, Brice. I can assure you Gabriel is no criminal. If the judge has information on him and is willing to allow Skyler to stay with him, you must accept that he is a good man. You know he’s no criminal. You’re just angry because I’ve allowed him back into my life. I don’t know what I’m going to do about Gabriel, but it’s for me to decide. I’ve never deceived you, not once in our relationship. I never told you I loved you, I never committed to a relationship with you.”

“You’ve always known how I felt. I haven’t changed. I’m sorry I’m jealous. Just spend some time with me.” His voice suddenly turned cajoling, appeasing. “Come home with me. Spend the night.” Brice bent over her, his mouth hovering close. His face was suddenly filled with a kind of crafty, greedy lust, his eyes flat and unfamiliar.

Francesca’s heart slammed in alarm. It was all she could do not to jerk away from him. She was very aware of his suddenly strong grip on her upper arms as he drew her body into his. He seemed different somehow, a stranger, not at all like the Brice she thought she knew. Could she have been so wrong? Had she been so desperate for companionship that she had overlooked his true character? It didn’t make sense. It wasn’t in Francesca to make a scene and it was ingrained in her to act human at all times. She stood very still, like a deer caught in the headlights of a speeding car. Just as his lips were about to touch hers, he coughed, both hands going to his throat as he began to choke. His eyes glazed with instant alarm.

“What’s wrong?” Francesca deliberately touched his arm to read what was happening in his body. Was it Gabriel? She didn’t feel the surge of power his presence should cause, but he was an ancient. She had no real idea of his true power. All she could tell was that Brice’s airway was blocked. She couldn’t tell what was wrong. His throat seemed swollen, almost as if he was having an allergic reaction to something.

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Categories: Christine Feehan