Dark Legend. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 8

She smiled up at him. “The dawn is approaching, Gabriel, you must rest.”

“You are the one with child.” He opened the earth and floated with her into the welcoming soil, his arms pulling her into the protection of his body. “Sleep, honey, tomorrow we will fix her room for her.” His body and soul, heart and mind, were content. She was with him, his arms around her, her scent filling his lungs, and it was enough.

You are the one with child. She repeated those words in her mind, hugged them to her, wondering at such a miracle. Francesca felt his mouth against her forehead, his hand over their child, and she closed her eyes, content to rest.

When she woke, Gabriel was already out, searching for evidence of Lucian’s whereabouts. Their world was fragile and filled with danger as long as his brother hunted in their city. Francesca felt Gabriel stirring in her mind, felt his warmth, yet she shivered as she moved through the familiar rooms of her house. During the day the delivery-men had arrived, leaving boxes of every size and shape. She had forgotten just how many things they had purchased for Skyler the night before. Francesca enjoyed every moment of arranging the room and placing Skyler’s clothes neatly in the dresser and closet. She took great care working on the heavy quilt, putting love into each stitch as she fashioned it especially for Skyler.

She was beginning to worry about Gabriel now. From Gabriel’s thoughts she learned that already Lucian had struck again; there would be another unsolved murder for the police. She sensed Lucian was deliberately baiting Gabriel, leading him toward a trap of some kind. She moved about the house, taking care of business before her trip to see Skyler. She made calls to various organizations, to members of society, to old acquaintances. It was always necessary to keep up appearances, now more than ever with Skyler as her ward.

The first order of business was to secure a housekeeper they could trust. Aidan Savage in the United States had recommended a trustworthy couple, his own housekeeper’s son, Santino, and the man’s wife, Brasilia. They would move in and protect Skyler during the day. Santino knew Aidan was Carpathian, and Aidan assured Francesca it would be safe to confide in him.

Satisfied, she made her way to the hospital. Skyler smiled tentatively as she entered the room. “I thought maybe you changed your mind,” the girl said. The stuffed animal was in its usual place in her arms.

“No, you didn’t,” Francesca corrected with a smile. “You had a panic attack. Things are falling in place, honey. Gabriel and I found your locket for you. It’s in a jewelry box in your room. You have everything you need waiting for you to come home. All you have to do is get better. Are you eating?”

“I’m trying to eat,” Skyler answered honestly. “It isn’t easy. I didn’t for so long, I’m never hungry now. Where’s Gabriel?”

Francesca thought it a good sign Skyler had inquired after him. “Out hunting.”

Skyler was silent a moment. “Hunting?” she echoed. “I didn’t think he was the kind who would want to kill a living creature.” She seemed disappointed.

Skyler obviously had an affinity for animals. Francesca smiled gently. “Not animals, silly. Things.” She brushed the hair out of the girl’s eyes, her touch tender and soothing. The contact gave her access to Skyler’s emotions.

The child was frightened but was making every attempt to be brave. The future terrified her, life terrified her, but not Francesca and not Gabriel. She had made up her mind to try to give life another chance. “I can’t go to school,” she blurted out suddenly. “I can’t be around anyone. I don’t want anyone to see me.”

Francesca nodded soberly. “I understand, honey. I think it best we stick together for a while, the three of us and our housekeeper. I’m going to hire a couple who will work for us, keep an eye on you.”

Francesca took her hand and simply held it, allowing her special gift to flow out of her and into the girl.

“Now I want you to rest, young lady. I’m going to ask Brice to release you as soon as possible, but you have to do your part. If you have trouble eating, or you’re afraid, reach for Gabriel or for me in your mind. Like you, we are telepathic and we will hear you and come to your aid. Call if you are in need. I expect it, is that understood?”

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Categories: Christine Feehan