Dark Legend. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 8

Computers could make things much more dangerous now. With their ability to trace everything from DNA to voice to fingerprints, they could make the job of concealing evidence of Carpathians extremely difficult. Gabriel realized he needed to learn every aspect of the latest scientific discoveries. A great number of the topics being discussed were things he had no real knowledge of. He automatically shared the information with Lucian, and much to his shock found that Lucian already had studied the latest in medical research. The flow of data returning to him was astonishing, although he shouldn’t have been surprised. Among their kind Lucian had been shockingly intelligent, assimilating information at a much more rapid rate than others. It was as if his brain constantly craved more data. Naturally Lucian had already discovered the scientific advances, the extraordinary technology that could make things so difficult for their people. Carpathians and vampires alike would undoubtedly have a much more difficult time hiding their existence.

“Do not worry so much, Gabriel, I am more than careful. They will not find what I do not wish to leave behind.”

Gabriel took the opportunity to “see” through his twin’s eyes. If he could lock in on his brother’s position, he might have the opportunity to fulfill his vow. At once Lucian’s soft, taunting laughter echoed in his mind and the view was distorted so that Gabriel had no chance to see anything that would help him. “You do not think I would make our game so easy for you, do you? You must follow the clues I leave. That is the way it is done. You cannot cheat, Gabriel.”

“This is between the two of us, Lucian. There may be other hunters in the city. I would keep this between us, as it should be.”

“Do not worry so much for the safety of your brother. I am certain I will defeat all who come to threaten me. I am learning about this world fast and the knowledge is rather exhilarating. There is much to play with here. I like this place and do not want to hurry our battle.”

Lucian was gone just like that. Gabriel felt a peculiar wrenching pain in the region of his heart. His brother. He missed their closeness. Missed the man he had followed for so many centuries. A great mind. A warrior unsurpassed. No one could orchestrate a battle as Lucian could. Sorrow engulfed Gabriel, nearly drove him to his knees. To destroy such a great man. To destroy the one who had always been there with him, for him, the one who had saved his life so many times. It was more than should be asked of anyone.

“Gabriel, you are not alone.” Francesca’s voice was gentle and soothing. “You know that is no longer truly Lucian. You are honoring him by fulfilling your commitment to him, by destroying the very thing he fought against for so many centuries.”

“I remind myself of that fact often. Intellectually I know it is true, yet my heart is heavy with the burden.”

“Fortunately, you have only to reach out to find me here. I am, after all, a healer.” There was the merest hint of teasing in her voice.

Gabriel instantly felt warmth surround his heart. It was supposed to be this way. Never alone, the two of them walking through life together, helping each other with the emotional entanglements, with each crisis that came their way. That note in her voice gave him a measure of comfort, gave him hope. He touched her mind to see if she had talked with Brice. He didn’t want to ask and he was ashamed that he was jealous enough to invade her privacy to find out if she was sharing her time with the doctor. “Perhaps you should leave Skyler to her rest and attend to the business of gaining custody of her so you may return to the safety of the house.” He made the suggestion carefully, choosing his words so they would not sound like an order.

Francesca’s laughter was very soft. “I am touching your mind as you are touching mine. You are not nearly as subtle as you think you are. I will leave the hospital, Gabriel, because I have much business to attend to.”

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Categories: Christine Feehan