Dark Legend. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 8

“Why would he comfort Skyler?”

“I cannot say. Perhaps to use her against you. I do not know, Francesca, but we cannot underestimate Lucian. We must assume he has found Skyler and is aware she is linked to me through you. He is extremely powerful and sensitive to the smallest hint of power. We both were vulnerable to his detection last rising. I should have been more careful.”

“Would you feel him if he had linked with us while we were with Skyler? She says she felt a third presence. She definitely felt another male, not you, and he held her, yet was not present physically.”

Again there was a long silence. “I do not like this, Francesca. It had to be Lucian. Only he is capable of slipping in and out of my mind without my knowledge. You are in great danger, you and Skyler. He is up to something. This kill was deliberate. A message to me that he has opened the game and it is my move.”

“How do you know?”

“His victim is one of the men from Skyler’s memory.”

Francesca bit her lower lip hard enough to bring a dot of ruby-red blood welling up. She let her breath out slowly. Now it was Skyler who reached out to comfort her. “What is it? Why are you upset?”

“I don’t know who this man is, the one who came to you this morning. It was not Gabriel as I had hoped. There is one in this city like us, with the ability to connect without his physical presence, yet he is not like us. He is dangerous.” Francesca tried to keep the fear out of her voice. She knew what the vampire was capable of. He was a ruthless, merciless killer who played with people and their emotions for his own amusement. The undead could appear to be handsome and courteous, friendly and gentle, when in fact they had only dark, demonic thoughts. Lucian was the most powerful Carpathian alive other than his twin. Now that he had chosen to lose his soul he was doubly dangerous. He had been feared before; now he was considered the most menacing enemy of all time. It was a frightening thought that Lucian might be stalking them for his own deadly purpose.

“He didn’t feel evil,” Skyler said softly. “I’m always afraid of men. Even the doctor makes me nervous, but for some reason this man’s different. He almost feels like Gabriel, sort of safe. I’ve never had a safe feeling before so I’m not certain.”

Francesca nodded. “I hope you’re right, sweetheart, but I want you to be cautious with this man. Very cautious. Now tell me about your talent.”

Skyler’s eyelids were drooping. “I’m already tired, Francesca. It isn’t exactly a talent, it’s just knowing things. And I can sometimes read people’s thoughts, just like you can. Like Gabriel and the other. I prefer animals to people. I couldn’t keep any pets, but I knew all the neighborhood animals and they were my friends, even the dogs that were supposed to be mean. I connected with them, you know.”

“How do you see Gabriel and me? What can you tell about us?” Francesca asked curiously. How much could Skyler actually see?

Skyler slid once more down between the sheets. Trying to be civil after living in silence so long was a difficult task and very exhausting. “Do you really want me to answer that question, Francesca? I see far more than you think.”

“I believe if we are to live together and become a family, there should be truth between us, don’t you?” Francesca asked gently.

“You are not like me and not like the others. I don’t know what you are, Francesca, but you can heal the sick and comfort those in need. There is only good in you. Only that. I wish I was like you. I wish I really was your family.” Skyler added the last sadly, her lashes fanning her cheek as sleep overcame her.

Francesca brought the limp little scarred hand to her mouth. She kissed the scars on the back of Skyler’s hand and turned her arm over to inspect the palm. The child had fought off someone who’d slashed at her with a sharp piece of glass. Had it been her father? Gabriel had dealt him swift, merciful justice. Francesca examined the teen’s memories once more. Not her father that time. It had been a tall, thin man with coarse, dark hair and large hands. He was furious because Skyler refused to voluntarily kiss or fondle him. She couldn’t have been more than eight or nine at the time.

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Categories: Christine Feehan