DARK MELODY By Christine Feehan

“You are under the protection of the family,” Barack said softly, “and Darius wants you to know you always will be. But we cannot undo what has been done. There are decisions to be made. We made the choice to save your life, and the blood was freely given because of your place within our family, but only you can make the rest of the choices for yourself. We will respect whatever you decide.”

Cullen nodded, understanding more than Barack knew. When his memories of them were clear, he remembered every detail and he had learned a great deal about their species. They were offering him a choice, and he was grateful that he was even being consulted.

“It is not a decision to be made lightly, Cullen,” Barack counseled. “You must know I will always be able to read your mind, whether you choose full knowledge or to have your memories removed. I would know if you betrayed us to anyone, including your future wife. I see clearly into your mind. You want Lisa to be your partner, but she will never be able to accept our species as we are. She must always see us as human. She could not accept Corinne’s differences, and she would be unable to live with the knowledge. If you choose us as your family, you can never reveal what we are to her. You are someone who values honor and integrity. You want a full partnership with your wife. She will always be in our lives, because she loves Corinne and Corinne loves her. To Corinne, Lisa is family, as you are to us. But you will have to keep this knowledge from Lisa for all time. We have lifemates. We understand the bond between male and female. If you choose to remove the memory of us, we will understand. Remember we will still have the same feelings for you, and you will remain under our protection. It is up to you.”

Cullen smiled, his teeth very white. “You are my family.”

“As Lisa will be.”

“Exactly. As Corinne will be. Lisa loves her as a sister. My wife will be connected to you for the rest of her life. If I choose to forget, then I can’t give her my protection and help to shield her from the things she can’t accept. I know what Lisa is like. She needs a protected environment, someone willing to shield her from the things she can’t accept. I want to be that person. Not you or Darius. Me. I never thought I could feel alive again. You know strength, Barack, but you don’t know what it’s like for someone to struggle like she has to do to live in a world with people capable of doing monstrous things she can’t understand. You have it in you to kill if need be. She is incapable of shouting at anyone. It hurts her when people raise their voices at one another. You think of that as a weakness. I look at her and see someone too good to live in a world like this one. I want to shield her. I want the chance to have her love me.”

“We will love and accept the one you choose to share your life with. Forgive me, Cullen – I will work on my failings. Syndil has pointed out this same flaw, and I do not intend to continue with this behavior if I can help it. I will get to know Lisa and I will always protect her. You can count on that.”

“Thank you,” Cullen said quietly. “I’ll retain my memories and work to guard our family, as you, Dayan, Julian and Darius always do. I don’t want to forget any of it. Neither the good nor the bad. You are all I have.”

“Then so be it.” Barack gripped Cullen’s hand hard for a moment, then backed off. “I have sent your answer to Darius and the others. If you have need, you have only to follow the path in your mind and you can speak with me.” He grinned. “Of course, you can do the same with Darius.”

Cullen stared up at him for a moment, thinking that over. He should have known that Darius had taken his blood to open a channel to his mind. Darius always protected his family. It was his nature. “Go away. I like looking at Lisa better. But tell Dayan we are praying for Corinne and baby.”

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Categories: Christine Feehan