DARK MELODY By Christine Feehan

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Chapter 12

“Come here to me, my love,” Barack said softly, gliding to his lifemate even as he gave the command. He enfolded her in his arms. “You are drooping with weariness and you must feed.”

“Cullen needs blood fast, Barack, or he may not make it. I am not a true healer like Darius or Gregori. I have never attempted such a healing before.” Syndil rested her head on his chest, her fatigue catching up with her. “I do not know if I have done enough for him. My gift is in healing the earth, not humans or Carpathians. You must give him blood.”

“You come before Cullen, Syndil,” Barack said gently, his voice an invitation. Beneath her ear his heart was a steady beat; she could hear the beckoning of his blood, the ebb and flow of the essence of his life. Her arms circled his neck and she moved against him, restless and in need.

Syndil said his name softly as she slowly began to unbutton his shirt, her fingertips smoothing over the heavy muscles of his chest. She felt his body clench in answer, in anticipation. As always, she wondered anew at the beautiful mystery of their union. Barack. Her lifemate. She had known him throughout her long existence, and yet had not known the wonders of a true union until recently. The simple act of feeding was no longer just that. It was erotic and filled her with pleasure, with needs far beyond satiating hunger. She nuzzled his chest, smiled when his hands gripped her hair and his body moved aggressively against hers. Teasingly she nipped his chest, swirled her tongue over his jumping pulse, allowing the movement to trigger her incisors.

Barack groaned and pulled her tightly against him, wrapping her close while she fed. In the midst of the danger, with Cullen at the top of the society’s hit list, Barack still felt the jolt of urgent need riding him hard. Syndil was careful – he could feel the hunger in her, sharp and fierce – but she took only enough to sustain her so Barack could give Cullen necessary blood as well. Afterward, Barack would always have a connection to Cullen, and Cullen to Barack, but they had no choice. If the mortal was to survive, he needed their healing blood to aid in repairing his damaged organs. Very carefully she closed the tiny pinpricks with the healing agent in her saliva and lifted her head, her eyes drowsy and slumberous. Barack bent his head at once to find her mouth, kissing her hard. “I am very proud of you, Syndil,” he said softly.

“He is brave,” Syndil replied, “and a good friend to us. He has risked his life many times. I wish Gregori or Darius had come to do this.”

“You did fine.” Barack reluctantly released her and sat on the edge of the bed. “I will give him blood, Syndil, and then we must take both of them out of here. Do not allow the woman to give you any trouble. Take control of her at once. No chances.”

Syndil ruffled his hair as if he were a mere boy instead of the enormously strong man that he was. “Stop with the woman bit, Barack. Have you not touched her mind?”

“Who would want to except to command?”

“She was terribly traumatized. She does not see things she is afraid of because her mind does not allow it. She is merely protecting herself. It is the only way her mind could remain sane. Lisa is reliant on Corinne and clings to her as a safety net. Corinne is much stronger and must have realized it at an early age. She protects Lisa from the outside world, and Lisa knows she cannot get along without her. I have looked into her mind. She knows she needs a buffer.”

Barack ducked his head, ashamed. “I do not deserve you. I never have.”

“Very true,” Syndil said complacently, “but I think I will keep you around anyway.” She watched as he bent and lifted Cullen into his arms. Observing the expression on his face, her heart skipped a beat. Barack felt strong affection for the human, something few of their kind ever experienced. It was always necessary to keep a distance from humans so that no one ever found evidence their species existed. It was becoming more difficult as computers and travel made the world a much smaller place.

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Categories: Christine Feehan