DARK MELODY By Christine Feehan

“How did you manage to learn to play, especially when you were living on the streets a good part of your life?” He shifted her, wrapping his arms securely around her, curving his body protectively behind hers so they fit like spoons.

Corinne’s laughter was soft, like the rain on the roof. “There was a small club, a bar, where live bands played all the time. Locks meant nothing to us, and we often slept in the back room there. Instruments were left behind all the time. I’d watch the band play, and then I’d practice until I could play the forgotten instrument with the same sound as the person on the stage. I’m lucky enough to have a good ear, and I can remember music easily. The piano was easiest for me because I could watch the performer’s fingers and see how a particular piece was played.”

“Do you realize how truly rare such a thing is, Corinne?”

She smiled. “I had many hours to practice.”

Dayan slid his hand down her ribcage to her stomach. “She is moving. The two of you need sleep. I am keeping you up.”

Corinne felt her insides turn to mush when he laid his hand over the baby in a protective gesture. Instinctively she knew that was what he was doing. She felt close to him, connected with him, content to lie beside him and listen to the sound of his voice and feel the heat of his body. It was one of the things she counted as beautiful in the world. One of the things she was thankful she had experienced.

“So – ” Gregori’s silver eyes burned over his brother. “You are Darius. I have heard much of your exploits. The miracle of keeping so many children alive, including two of our females.” He clasped Darius’s arms just above the elbows in the formal greeting of one warrior to another.

Gregori emanated power from every pore. He had long black hair like Darius, and a stockier, more muscular build than most Carpathian males. His eyes were a piercing silver, and as they rested on the brother he hadn’t seen in centuries, an affectionate gleam glimmered in the depths.

Looking at him, Darius was at a loss for words. He had memories of this man locked away, placed carefully where they would never be tarnished. He had always been proud of being Gregori’s sibling. In the earlier days, when life was hard and Darius struggled to safeguard the other children, he had drawn heavily on those memories of his legendary brother. He had honed his will of iron by comparing himself to his brother, by pretending Gregori was watching him, judging his actions. As a child, lost in the wilderness with infants to care for, Darius had tried hard to live up to the legendary image of his brothers. The twins were a myth, the greatest vampire hunters known to their people. Gregori had been so much more real to him.

Gregori stared into the steady gaze of his brother. “No one could be prouder of the things you accomplished than I. It was indeed miraculous that you saved both girls and saw Barack and Dayan through the long centuries of darkness. I thank you for giving me back my sister.” He turned his head to look at her. Desari. She was tall and straight, with a voice like an angel. “A true gift to the world.”

Desari went into his arms, tears swimming in her dark eyes. “I am honored to meet you at last.”

“The honor is mine.” Gregori hugged her long and hard before handing her back to the tall, golden warrior waiting to greet him. Gregori reached for his lifemate, bringing her in front of him, his arms securely around her. “May I present my lifemate, Savannah. My sister Desari and my brother Darius.” There was pride in his voice.

“And you must know Julian.” Desari clasped hands with her handsome lifemate. “He knows much of you.”

Savannah laughed at Gregori’s expression. “I can see I will have to insist we talk together, Julian.” She kissed Desari’s cheek and laughed again when Gregori firmly removed her from Julian’s reach.

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Categories: Christine Feehan