DARK MELODY By Christine Feehan

The ritual didn’t alarm her; in fact, she felt very secure lying there watching them all. She studied each of them for some sign that they were familiar to her. The men were exotically handsome. They wore their hair long, their bodies were trim. All of them were intimidating to look at, yet, strangely, she wasn’t frightened. They resembled Dayan, as if they could be closely related. All of them were chanting, and their voices were beautiful.

Corinne turned her attention to the women. Three of the women had long dark hair flowing nearly to their waists, while the fourth had rich red hair. All of them were graceful in their movements. Corinne found herself watching them singing, admiring the way they moved, their gestures and voices, their uncommon grace. The pattern of their hands and the swaying of their bodies were mesmerizing to watch.

After a time she became aware of the hand holding hers firmly. Carefully, because it was almost too much trouble, she turned her head toward that side of her body. To her astonishment, Dayan was standing beside her, his fingers woven tightly with hers. He was chanting the same foreign words as the others in the cave. As dreams went, it was strange and yet utterly beautiful. Had she died? She felt she was deep within the ground, maybe near the center of the earth. It was warm, with steam rising from several of the pools of water, yet the frothy falls cascading out of the walls were icy cold.

Corinne was certain she hadn’t died, because her head was throbbing terribly from where it had struck the rocks. Her body felt bruised and battered, and she was terribly tired. It hurt just to breathe. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest. She was definitely alive, she decided.

Dayan leaned down to brush a kiss across her forehead, his warm breath a healing balm to the scrapes and bruises there. “This is my family, my people. I do not want you to be afraid, Corinne. Strange things may happen here, but one of our greatest healers will attempt to strengthen you and save your baby. I will be with you every step of the way.”

Her eyes moved over his face. “You look so worried, Dayan.” Her voice was soft and very loving in this unguarded moment.

Tears burned in his eyes, in his throat. He was breathing for her, regulating her heart, keeping her alive as effectively as the human machines had done. He bent closer so he could look directly into her eyes. “I want you to live, Corinne. Do you understand me? I need you to live for me.”

She nodded, sudden tears swimming in her eyes. She wanted to be his world, the air he breathed. She wanted to listen to the sound of his beautiful voice for the rest of her life, watch his eyes go from bleak emptiness to sudden desire for her. Her body was slowly fading, and she knew that his faith in his healers would come to nothing. It was too late for her.

The chanting continued around her, and Corinne settled back into her dreamlike state. It didn’t matter to her if any of it was real, she concentrated on the beauty of her surroundings and the symphony of voices to keep the fear of dying at bay. Most of all, she didn’t want to think about her child. She had failed to give her daughter the necessary time to grow.

“Honey.” Dayan’s voice intruded again, catching her attention.

Corinne watched as a tall, slender woman with long black hair approached her. The woman smiled reassuringly. “Corinne, sister kin.” She touched Corinne’s hand with gentle fingers. “I am Desari, lifemate to Julian and sister to Dayan, now to you.” Her voice was musical, soothing, a healing in itself. “We have with us one of our greatest healers.” She turned to gesture toward a man with slashing silver eyes.

Corinne watched as the man glided to her side. He was more muscular than the other men, with long blue-black hair. Power emanated from him. He smiled down at her, softening the cruel edge of his mouth. He took her hand. “We are awaiting Shea, one well versed in the care of our infants. Please allow my brother Darius and me to do our best to delay the child’s arrival until Shea’s journey is complete.”

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Categories: Christine Feehan