DARK MELODY By Christine Feehan

She felt her body tighten, clench around his until she was holding him in a slick, tight, fiery grip. Dayan deliberately pushed aside the wet strands of his hair. ‘Come on, my love, for me. Do this for me. I need this.’ She slowed her hips, using long, slow strokes, letting the hunger wash over her. Slowly she leaned forward, watching him watch her. Very slowly she lapped at the water over his pulse. His body jumped and heated a thousand degrees. Her teeth nipped experimentally. She felt his answering response, his hips surging forward hard, a little faster. Corinne looked up at him, her eyes slumberous, sexy. ‘I do this for me because I need this. I want all of you, Dayan. I want you to belong to me. I want you in every part of me, with every breath I take.’

Without hesitation she let it happen. Reached for it. Embraced it. This was her life, and she trusted his leadership as she had every step of the way. She hadn’t been repulsed by his need, his dark hunger; instead she craved him in ways she had never imagined possible. More than anything, she trusted him. She knew that if she couldn’t follow through, he would help her; he had a mesmerizing quality, that would make it easy to follow him anywhere he led. Dayan loved her. He would never do anything to bring her or her daughter harm.

His body seemed to swell in hers, grow thicker and harder, while her body gripped at his. Brand-new instincts took over, her teeth sinking deep, and he flowed into her like nectar. She felt him gasp as the white-hot fireball raced through his bloodstream, as his hands gripped her hips and he thrust forward, surging with powerful strokes. Then they were exploding together, minds fragmenting while their bodies seemed to ripple and burn. The earth moved, a strong rocking under them. Corinne couldn’t tell if it was real or imagined. She could only cling to Dayan breathlessly, every cell screaming with joy. She was alive! She had found her paradise, and it was very real.

Corinne closed the pinpricks and rested her head on Dayan’s shoulder. They clung together, their hearts beating wildly, fighting to get their breathing under control.

“I love you, Corinne,” Dayan whispered softly against her bare skin, his eyes closed, his black lashes emphasizing the paleness of his face. “I love you so much.” He lifted his head slowly, reluctantly, looking down at her through half-closed eyes.

She was looking up at him, her heart in her eyes. Their bodies were still joined together, and her body was still rippling with little aftershocks. She reached up to touch his wet hair, to trace the perfection of his mouth. “Thank you very much for finding me.”

He smiled then, a slow, tender smile that would always be capable of stealing her heart. “You are very welcome.” Small droplets of water dripped from his hair to splash on her face. They both burst out laughing. “We did not make it into the house.”

“I see that,” Corinne acknowledged, looking around her as if she were waking up from a dream.

Dayan reluctantly parted their bodies, reaching to lift her into his arms. “Crazy woman. Next time you decide to seduce me, make it out of the rain.”

She bent her head to lap the water from his shoulder. “I don’t know. I rather like it myself.”

The touch of her tongue sent flames dancing over his skin. Dayan pushed the door open with his foot and waved a casual hand to light the candles and the wood in the fireplace. There was a thick fur rug on the hardwood floor and he put her down, the fur immediately rubbing along her bare skin so that her body tightened again in anticipation. Dayan stretched out beside her on his back, his long body very male. “You are going to rest for a while.” He made it an order. “I am not taking you back to the healers half dead.”

Corinne laughed at him. “Do you think it’s possible to die from making love?”

“The way we make love, anything is possible.” He stared up at the ceiling, watching the flickering lights dance while the rain fell against the windows. He reached for her hand, laced their fingers together. “I never again want to feel like I did when I thought you were dying, Corinne. You were taking my soul with you.”

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Categories: Christine Feehan