DARK MELODY By Christine Feehan

Lisa stared at her, open-mouthed in disbelief, and Cullen gallantly cleared his throat, drawing Corinne’s attention. Dayan’s white teeth flashed at her. ‘Got yourself in trouble.’ He was laughing at her, warmth leaping into his fathomless eyes.

“Showoff.” Corinne said it very softly, teasingly.

Lisa shared a puzzled look with Cullen and shrugged her shoulders. Dayan hadn’t said a single word, but Corinne and Dayan were definitely communicating in a very intimate way. Lisa tried not to feel left out, tried not to be hurt by the look in Corinne’s eyes when she stared at Dayan. Tried not to be totally shocked. Corinne had never looked at anyone the way she was looking at the musician.

Dayan glided into the room. A ripple of muscle. Casual. Silent. Lethal. There was something frightening about him that none of them could define. He emanated danger. He was wild. Untamed. Yet he was elegant, courtly even. Corinne smiled up at him, a dimple appearing in the corner of her mouth. She watched him cross the room effortlessly, his body so perfectly coordinated it was sheer poetry.

Dayan reached down and took possession of her hand, bringing her knuckles to the warmth of his mouth. “Did you sleep?” His teeth nibbled, teased.

He knew she had slept deeply, Corinne realized instinctively. She studied his sculpted features. “You should know.” It was half a guess, but she was becoming slightly alarmed. Could he somehow force her compliance? Her reaction to him? She had a strong talent. If she could do unusual things, why couldn’t Dayan?

Amusement crept into the depths of his black eyes. ‘Of course I can do those things. But I do not need or want to force your reaction to me. What good would that do? You are my true lifemate, the light to my darkness. It would be an abomination to force your compliance.’

Her eyes flashed at him, a hint that she was not amused. ‘Stop talking to me in my mind and talk aloud. It’s very disconcerting.’ She tried thinking the words, picturing them in her mind and throwing them at him along the same mental path he was using.

“This method of communication is as natural to me as breathing, but I will speak aloud if you insist.’ Dayan looked more amused than ever. “Good evening, Lisa. I trust you slept well. Corinne looks rested.” His voice was soft and unbelievably gentle.

Lisa tried not to stare at him. He was claiming Corinne. He was letting all of them know his intentions. His possession was in the way he held Corinne’s hand, the way he looked at her, even his protective body posture. Very male. Territorial. The word crept into her mind uninvited. There was something about him she didn’t quite trust. He was too untamed. She let out her breath and glanced at Cullen for protection.

Cullen smiled encouragingly at her even as he spoke to his friend. “This is early for you, Dayan. We just got up a little while ago.”

Corinne moved her wrist, a subtle motion designed to get her hand back. Dayan simply leaned into her, his powerful frame looming over her. “You are not drinking your tea, honey, Cullen’s tea is very good.”

Cullen’s eyebrow shot up. “Quite a compliment.”

Lisa scooted closer to Cullen, sliding off the bed to give Dayan a place to sit. “Rina told me you found two men in our house last night. Are we really in danger?”

“I am afraid so, Lisa,” Dayan answered quietly. “Do not worry. Cullen and I are quite capable of protecting you and Corinne.” He looked around the small room. “But I prefer to move you to a place easier to defend.”

“What do you mean, defend?” Lisa asked suspiciously. She looked at Corinne. “My sister is pregnant. She can’t be traveling all over the country,” she said, hoping to shock him.

“I am well aware of Corinne’s pregnancy,” Dayan replied gently. “Do not worry, Lisa. On my word of honor, I will always place Corinne’s health and happiness above my own. I would never allow anything to harm her.” His black eyes rested on Cullen. “I have family. The band is scattered at the moment, but I’ve called them and they are on their way to meet us. I contacted Darius last night, and he is sending for one of our greatest healers. I believe we should move toward them.” His gaze was steady on Cullen’s, but there was no “push” for approval of his plan. He was being courteous for the moment.

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Categories: Christine Feehan