DARK MELODY By Christine Feehan

“He will not be so for long,” Barack answered confidently.

Lisa drew herself up to her full height. “Tell me about Corinne. Where is she? Dayan had no right to remove my sister from the hospital when she was so deathly ill. He had no right.” For the first time in her life, Lisa was not going to hide from the truth, no matter how painful it might be.

Barack glanced back at her. “Lisa” – his voice was soft but compelling – “you know Dayan. You know that he loves Corinne and wants her to live. He needs her to live. He took her to the only people who have a chance of saving her. You wanted him to save her, remember?”

Lisa blinked rapidly. She found herself nodding, wondering why she was so upset. Of course Dayan would take care of Corinne. Anyone could tell he was crazy about her. She moved to stand beside the bed, reaching for Cullen’s hand.

“Sit here near him and stay close while we work,” Syndil invited softly. “No one will come in to disturb us.”

“Corinne is really going to be all right? She’s with Dayan?” Lisa sat in the chair because the relief was so tremendous that her rubbery legs threatened to give out.

“Gregori is reputed to be the best in the world.” Syndil’s voice was melodic, easy to listen to. “And yes, Lisa,” she continued, “Dayan is with Corinne and will not leave her side.”

“Where? I need to see her.”

Barack reached down and caught her chin, tilting her head so she was forced to look up at him. “You will see her soon, Lisa. Right now, your place is with Cullen. He needs you here. You know Corinne is in the best of hands, but Cullen is alone. He needs care. As soon as he is able to travel, he must be taken to a safe house which Syndil and I will secure. You will care for him there until he can go with you to where Corinne and Dayan are. It is what you want, and you will rest easy over Corinne’s health, trusting in Dayan to inform you of her progress. Dayan must stay with Corinne; it is where he belongs.” Barack’s voice was mesmerizing, hypnotic. Lisa felt as if she were falling forward into his dark eyes.

Barack made perfect sense to her. She had to stay with Cullen. She was responsible for his terrible wound, and there was no one else to take care of him. Dayan’s place was definitely with Corinne.

“I am going to teach you a healing chant, Lisa,” Syndil said softly. “It will help us to aid Cullen. The words are in an ancient language, and they are very beautiful. Listen to the pattern of our words and repeat them with Barack. You will hear my voice rising with yours, but I will concentrate on healing Cullen. I have some small talent in this area – certainly not like Gregori’s, but I believe I can do some good. Please lend your voice to us.” Syndil sounded very gentle, her tone so pure and pleasing to the ear that Lisa could have listened to her forever.

Barack took several candles from his backpack and lit them, filling the room with a soothing scent. Lisa leaned close to Cullen. it was peculiar, but she could hear Syndil’s voice chanting softly in her head. She was certain Syndil wasn’t speaking aloud, yet she heard the words clearly and began to follow along with them, at first to herself, then joining Barack when he began to chant aloud. Lisa followed his example, repeating the beautiful-sounding words over and over. It was difficult to get the accent just right, but Lisa was determined to try. She had a strange feeling that Syndil really could help Cullen.

Syndil closed her eyes, focusing totally on the human male lying so still on the bed. At first images arose. Cullen smiling at her. Walking in the forest with him, talking and laughing. Cullen guarding her and Desari when someone had kidnapped Darius’s lifemate. Cullen. He was held in high regard by the entire band. He was under their protection. Syndil took a deep breath, let it out slowly and sent herself outside her own body and into the one lying so still and wounded.

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Categories: Christine Feehan