DARK MELODY By Christine Feehan

The impact shook him. His fingers nearly lost their rhythm; his stomach gave a funny lurch and his very breath slammed out of his lungs.

“Is he really that famous?” Lisa asked, grinning at Corinne.

“He’s absolutely famous, you heathen.” Corinne’s laughter was affectionate, teasing. “His band doesn’t have a contract with any label. Some people try to tape their music when they go to concerts. The tapes are worth a fortune.”

“You have an old record and several tapes, don’t you?” Lisa asked.

Color swept up Corinne’s face. “Ssh! For heaven’s sake, Lisa, those tapes are black-market. What if someone hears you?” Guilt was in her voice. “The band travels and plays mostly in small places, like old-fashioned troubadours. That’s probably how they came up with the name.”

Lisa leaned her chin on her hand. “He’s looking this way. I swear, Rina, I really think he’s noticed us.”

“He’s gorgeous. I had no idea.” Corinne had never been one to fall for men in the spotlight, whether actor, musician or athlete. It wasn’t her style; she was too down-to-earth. But Dayan resembled a sculpture of a Greek god. He was tall and sinewy, giving the impression of great strength and power without bulky muscles. His hair was very long, but well kept, shining like a raven’s wing, pulled back at the nape of his neck and secured with a leather thong. But it was his face that caught and held Corinne’s attention. It could have been chiseled from marble. His was the face of a man capable of great sensuality, or great cruelty. She couldn’t get the impression of danger out of her mind when she looked at him.

His mouth was beautiful, as was the shape of his jaw with its faint blue-black beard shadow – she had always liked that on a man – but it was his eyes that ensnared her. She made the mistake of looking directly at him. His eyes were beautiful, shaped like a cat’s eyes, dark and mysterious, empty, yet filled with a thousand secrets. She felt almost pulled into his gaze, captured for all time. She couldn’t look away from him. Mesmerized.

The word came to her out of nowhere. She was definitely mesmerized by him. His head was bent toward his guitar, but his gaze seemed fixed on her face. Lisa, with her striking looks, garnished attention easily and was comfortable with it. Corinne could barely breathe with his gaze locked on her.

Her fingers curled into a tight fist, her long nails digging deeply into her palms. Her heart was doing a crazy somersault, and her breath seemed stolen right from her lungs. “I’ve never heard anyone play so beautifully.” Her mouth was so dry she could barely get the words out.

“He can sit in my bedroom and play me to sleep every night,” Lisa said.

Color crept up Corinne’s neck to sweep into her face at the idea of this man in her bedroom. Playing his guitar was not what she had in mind. The image that did come to her was shocking. She had never thought of anyone like that. Not even John. Not only did it seem disloyal, but it was totally out of character for her. Suddenly she was very afraid. She wanted to run like a child and find a place to hide from his mesmerizing eyes and the strange effect he seemed to have on her. He frightened her, truly frightened her. Perhaps it was his music, so intense, so hungry, like his eyes.

“Corinne!” Lisa said her name sharply, breaking the spell. “Are you all right? Do you need your medication? You brought it, didn’t you?” She had already grabbed Corinne’s purse and was rummaging through it hastily. There was an edge of fear in her voice.

“I’m fine, Lisa,” Corinne said. “I think my hero took my breath away for a minute there. He’s potent. I wish he’d sing again.” She forced herself to laugh.

“Oh, yeah,” Lisa said dreamily, “he has a sexy voice.”

“Be still, my heart,” Corinne teased, clutching at her heart dramatically. It made Lisa laugh, wiping out the sudden fear in her eyes, just as Corinne knew it would.

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Categories: Christine Feehan