Devil’s Waltz. By: Jonathan Kellerman

Chip and remained tight.

Cindy just phoned me to say you’re Coming by, tomorrow afternoon.

Meaning he hadn’t been home when I’d called.

Hadn’t been the man I’d heard Cindy speaking to.

The edginess…

Robin said, “What’s the matter? Your shoulders are all bunched.”

I told her.

“Maybe you’re reading too much into it, Alex. It could have been a

relative visiting-her father or her brother.”

“She doesn’t have either.”

“So it was a cousin or an uncle. Or a service call the plumber, the

electrician, whatever.”

“Sure is. Cassie’s so damned dependent and everyone’s failing her.”

“You’re doing everything you can.”

“I suppose.”

We stayed in the water. I worked at relaxing again, settled finally

for loose muscles and a tight mind. Soap-sud clouds gathered around

Robin’s shoulders like an ermine stole. She looked beautiful “Try

getting one of those guys on a Sunday evening,” I said.

“They’re rich. The rich get what they want when they want It.

“Yeah, maybe that’s all it was. . . . Still, I thought she sounded

nervous. As if I’d caught her off guard.”

“Okay, let’s say she’s having a fling. You already suspect her of

poisoning her kid. Adultery’s a misdemeanor in comparIson.

“Having a fling the first day back from the hospital?”

“Hubby didn’t see anything wrong with flying off to his office the

first day, did he? Ifthat’s his usual pattern, she’s probably a lonely

lady, Alex. He isn’t giving her what she needs, so she’s getting it


Anyway, does adultery relate to this Munchausen business?”

Anything that makes someone with those tendencies feel helpless could

have an effect. But it’s more than that, Robin. If Cindy’s having an

affair, that could provide a motive. Ditch hubby and kids, get free to

be with her lover.”

“There are easier ways to get free of your family.”

“We’re talking about someone sick.”

“Really sick.”

“I don’t get paid to deal with healthy heads.”

She leaned forward and touched my face. “This is really getting

toyou.” and I told her so.

She said, “What a flatterer, Mer.” But her grin was deep and

heartfelt. At least I’d made someone feel good.

We got back into bed and tackled the Sunday paper. I read carefully

this time, searching for anything on Western Peds or Laurence Ashmore

but finding nothing. The phone rang at ten forty-five.

Robin answered. “Hi, Milo.”

He said something that made her laugh. She said, Absolutely” handed me

the receiver, and returned to her crossword puzzle.

“Nice to hear her voice again,” he said. “Finally, you show some good

judgment.” The connection was clear, but it sounded distant.

“Where are you?”

Alley behind a leather-goods store, little pilfering surveillance,

nothing so far. Am I interrupting something?”

“Domestic bliss,” I said, stroking Robin’s arm. She was concentrating

hard on the puzzle, pencil in mouth, but her hand rose to meet mine and

we laced fingers.

“Lat’s hear it for any kind of bliss,” said Milo. “Got a couple of

things for you. First, your Mr. Huenengarth has an interesting

pattern. Valid driver’s license and social security number, but the

address on the license traces to a mail drop in Tarzana, and he’s got

no phone number, credit history, or IRS file. No county records


No record of him in the military or on the voter roster. Similar

pattern to a long-term con just out of the joint someone who hasn’t

voted or paid taxes. Though he doesn’t show up on NCIC or the parole

rolls either, so maybe it’s a computer glitch or I screwed up

technically. I’ll have Charlie try tomorrow.”

“Phantom of the hospital,” I said. “I feel so much better knowing he’s

head of Security.” Robin looked up briefly, then down again.

“Yeah,” said Milo. “You’d be surprised how many strange types get into

security nutcases who try out for police departments, don’t pass the

psych evaluation. Meantime, keep your distance from him until I can

find out more. Second thing is, I’ve been nosing around the Herbert

file and plan to do a little late-night downtown prowltalk to that

bartender witness.”

“Does he have something new to offer?”

“No, but Gomez and his partner didn’t follow through enough for my

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