Devil’s Waltz. By: Jonathan Kellerman


“So tonight was to be the final chapter,” I said. “Cassie seizing

fatally, Cindy right there snoozing, with all of us suspecting her. If

we hadn’t caught him he probably would have stashed the needle in her

purse or somewhere else incriminating. And the Valium in her system

would have added to the picture of guilt: suicide attempt.

Remorse for killing her baby, or just an unbalanced mind.”

Stephanie rubbed her eyes. Rested her head on one hand. “What an

incredible prick. . . How’d he get in without going through


“Your friend Bill said he didn’t enter the hospital through the front

door, so he probably used one of his father’s keys and came in through

the back. Maybe one of the loading docks. At this hour there’d be no

one there. We know from the hallway camera that he took the stairs up

and waited until the Five East nurse went into the back room before

entering Chappy. Probably did the same thing when Cassie had that

first seizure here in the hospital. Dress rehearsal. Sneaking up in

the wee hours, injecting her with just enough insulin to provide a

delayed reaction, then driving home to the Valley and waiting for

Cindy’s call before coming back to comfort her in the E.R. The fact

that Chappy’s nearly always empty made it easier for him to come and go


And all this time I was obsessing on Cindy. Brilliant, Eves.”

“I zeroed in on her too. We all did. She was a perfect Munchausen

suspect. Low self-esteem, easygoing manner, early experiences with

serious illness, health-care training. He probably came across the

syndrome in his readings, saw the fit, and realized he had an

opportunity to get her. That’s’ why he didn’t have Cassie transferred

to another hospital. He wanted to give us time to develop our

suspicions. Worked us like an audience-the way he works his


Hes’ the exhibitionist, Steph. But we never saw it because the books

say it’s always a woman.”


“He killed Chad, didn’t he?” she said.

“It’s a strong possibility.”

“Why, Alex? Why use his own kids to get at Cindy?”

“I don’t know, but I’ll tell you one thing. He hates Cassie.

Before they took him away he gave her a look that was really

disturbing. Pure contempt. If the tape caught it and it’s ruled

admissible in court, it’s all the prosecutor will need.”

Shaking her head, she returned to the bed and stroked Cassie’s hair.

“Poor little baby. Poor little innocent baby.”

I sat there, not wanting to think or do or talk or feel.

A trio of LuvBunnies sat on the floor near my feet.

I picked one up. Passed it from hand to hand. Something hard in the


Undoing the flap, I poked around the foam stuffing, just as I had in

Cassie’s bedroom. This time, I found something tucked into a fold near

the groin.

I drew it out. A packet. About an inch in diameter. Tissue paper

fastened with cellophane tape.

I unwrapped it. Four pills. Pale-blue, each with a heart-shaped


Stephanie said, “Valium.”

“Here’s our secret stash.” I rewrapped the packet and set it aside for

Milo. “He made such a big deal about not having any dope with him.

Everything’s a game with him.”

“Vicki bought those bunnies,” Stephanie said. “Vicki’s the one who got

Cassie started on them.”

“Vicki will be talked to after this,” I said.

“Too weird,” she said. “The stuff they don’t teach you in school–”


squeak came from the bed. Cassie’s eyes blinked spasmodically, then

opened. Her little mouth turned down. She blinked some more.

“It’s okay, baby,” said Stephanie.

Cassie’s mouth worked, finally producing a sound: “Eh eh eh.”

“It’s okay, honey. Everything’s gonna be tfine. You’re gonna be fine


“Eh eh eh eh.”

More blinks. A shudder. Cassie tried to move, failed, cried out in

frustration. Scrunched her eyes. Crinkled her chin.

Stephanie held her and rocked her. Cassie tried to twist away from

Stephanie’s caress.

I remembered the way she’d fought me in her bedroom.

Reacting to her mother’s anxiety? Or memories of another man who came

in the night, shrouded by darkness, and hurt her?

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