Devil’s Waltz. By: Jonathan Kellerman

she destroyed me in the process. I was the victim.

MR. TOKARIK: (unintelligible) bET. STURGIS: What’s that, Counselor?

MR. T~RIK: I register my objection to this entire session.

MR. JONES: Suppress your ego, Tony. I’m the victim-don’t exploit me

for your ego. That’s my problem in general people tend to take

advantage of me because they know I’m fairly naive.

bET. S’rURGIS: Dawn Herbert do that?

MR. JONES: Absolutely. That folderol you read was absolute fantasy.

She was a dope addict when I found her. I tried to help her and she

paid me back with paranoia.

bET. ‘sTURGIS: What about Kristie Kirkash?

MR. JONES: (unintelligible) bET. STURGis: What’s that, Prof?

bET. MARTINEZ: Mailboxes Plus, Agoura, box number 1498.

MR. JONES: That was for research.

bET. SrvRGIS: What kind of research?

MR. JONES: I’ve been thinking of a possible project: pornography

research recurrent images in an overly organized society as a form of

ritual. Obviously, I didn’t want material sent to my home or my campus

office-you get on pervert lists, and I didn’t want a flood of garbage

coming in.

So Kristie rented the POB for me.

bET. STURGIS: Any reason you didn’t rent it yourself?

MR. JONES: I was busy, Kristie lived out there, and it just seemed


bET. SrvRGIS: Any reason you rented it under the name of Ralph

Benedict, M.D.? A physician who’s been dead for two and a half years

and just happened to have treated your wife’s aunt for diabetes?

MR. TOKARIK: Don’t answer that.

bET. STURGIS: Any reason you had medical apparatus shipped out to that

post office box using Ralph Benedict, M.D.”s name and medical license


MR. TOKARIK: Don’t answer that.

bET. 5TURGIS: Any reason you had insulin and Insuject insulin-delivery

systems, such as the one we found in your hand in your daughter’s

hospital room, shipped to that post office box in Ralph Benedict,

M.D.”s name?

MR. TOKARIK: Don’t answer that.

MR. JONES: Ridiculous. Cindy knew about the POB, too. I gave her my

spare key. She must have used it for that.

DET. STURGIS: She says she didn’t.

MR. JONES: She’s lying.

bET. STURGIS: Okay, but even so, why’d you use Benedict’s name to get

the box? It’s your name on the application form.

MR. TOKARIK: Don’t answer that.

MR. JONES: I want to I want to clear my name, Tony. In all honesty,

Detective, I can’t really answer that one. It must have been

subconscious. Cindy must have mentioned Benedict’s name-yes, I’m sure

she did. As you said, he was her aunt’s doctor, she talked about him a

lot, and it stuck in my mind so when I needed a name for the box, it

just popped into my head.

bET. SrvRGIS: Why’d you need an alias in the first place?

MR. JONES: I already explained that. For the pomographysome of the

stuff I received was really disgusting.

bET. STURGIS: Your wife says she knew nothing about the box.

MR. JONES: Of course she does. She’s lying. Really, Detective, it’s

all a matter of context-seeing things in a different light, using a new


bET. STURGIS: Uh-huh.

MR. TOKARIK: Now what are you pulling out?

bET. STURG~s: I think it’s obvious. This is a mask.

MR. TOKARIK: I fail to see MR. JONES: No big deal. It’s from the

carnival-Delta Psi’s carnival. They dressed me up as a witch. I kept

the mask for a souvenir.

bET. STURGIS: Kristie Kirkash kept it. You gave it to her last week

and told her to keep it.


bET. SrvRGIS: So I think you put this on when you injected Cassie. So

you’d look like a woman-the wicked witch.

MR. TOKARIK: Ridiculous.

MR. JONES: I agree with you there, Tony.

bET. SrvRGIS: A souvenir, huh? Why’d you give it to Kristie?

MR. JONES: She’s a Delta Psi. I thought the sorority would like to

have it.

bET. SrvRGIS: Considerate.

MR. JONES: I’m their faculty adviser. What’s the big bET. S’n’RGIS:

You have a thing for your students, don’t you? That’s how you met your

wife, isn’t it? She was your student.

MR. JONES: It’s not unusual-the teacher-student relationship..

bET. STURGtS: What about it?

MR. JONES: Often . . sometimes it leads to intimacy.

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