Devil’s Waltz. By: Jonathan Kellerman

home, I’ll bet the situation doesn’t change much. He’s really into the

academic life-big fish in a small pond. I dropped by the J. C. before

I went to the house and caught a glimpse of him teaching. Guru on the

grass, disciples at his feet. A whole world she’s not part of. The

house reflects it-room after room of his books, his trophies, masculine

furniture. Even in her own home she hasn’t made an imprint.”

“So she makes an imprint on the kid.”

“Using familiar tools, things she remembers from her childhood.

Insulin, needles. Other poisons-manipulating what goes into Cassie’s

mouth the same way her aunt controlled her.”

“What about Chad?”

“Maybe he actually did die of SIDS-yet another traumatic illness in

Cindy’s life-and that was the stress that drove her over the edge. Or

maybe she smothered him.”

“You think your finding the cylinders will scare her off?”

“That would be logical, but with Munchausen, the whole power game, I

suppose it could do just the opposite-raise the ante, challenge her to

get the better of me. So maybe I just made things more dangerous for

Cassie-hell if I know.”

“Don’t flog yourself Where are the cylinders now?”

“Right here. In the car. Can you have them dusted for prints?”

“Sure, but Cindy’s or Chip’s prints on it wouldn’t mean muchone of them

stashed it years ago and forgot about it.”

“What about the lack of dust?”

“It’s a clean cabinet. Or you knocked off whatever dust was on it when

you took it out. I’m talking like a defense attorney now, though we re

not even close to making anyone need one. And if this Benedict guy

touched it, that’s cool too. They were sent to him in the first


“With the aunt dead, there’d be no reason for him to give them to


“True. If we can pin down this shipment to him after the aunt died,

that would be great. Any serial numbers on the things? Or an


“Let me check . . . no Invoice. But there are serial number.

And the copyright on the manufacturer’s brochure is five years ol

“Good. Give me those numbers and I’ll get on it. In the meantime, I

still think your best bet is to continue playing with Cindy’s head.

Give her a taste of her own medicine.”


“Pull her in for a meeting, without the kid-”

“That’s already set up

for tomorrow evening. Chip’ll be there too.

“Even better. Confront her, straight on. Tell her you think someone

is making Cassie sick and you know how. Hold up a cylinder and say

you’re not buying any of this leftover crap. You want to take chances,

go for a big blulf: say you’ve talked to the D.A. and he’s ready to

file charges for attempted murder. Then pray she cracks.

And if she doesn’t?”

“You get thrown off the case, but at least she’ll know someone’s wise

to her. I don’t see what you can gain by waiting any longer, Alex.”

“What about Stephanie? Do I clue her in? Are we eliminating her as a


“Like we said before, she could be Cindy’s secret lover, but there’s no

sign of that. And if she was involved, why would Cindy mess with

Benedict? Stephanie’s a doctor-she could get the same stuff he


Anything’s possible, but far as I can tell, the mom started out looking

good and she keeps getting better.”

“If Stephanie’s off the hook,” I said, “I should let her in on itshe’s

the primary doc. Pulling something this strong without her knowledge

is probably unethical.”

“Why don’t you just sound her out and see how she reacts? Tell her

about the cylinders and see where she goes with it. If you’re

satisfied she’s clean, take her along with you when you play with

Cindy’s head. Strength in numbers.”

“Play with her head? Sounds fun.”

“It rarely is,” he said. “If I could do it for you, I would.”

“Thanks. For everything.”

Anything else?”

Finding the Insujects had pushed the visit to Dr. )anos’s office out

of my head.

“Plenty,” I said, and told him how Huenengarth had beat me to Dawn

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