Devil’s Waltz. By: Jonathan Kellerman

his jacket and tossed it on the counter. “Enough bullshit self-pity.

What can I do for you?”

I told him about Cassie Jones, gave him a mini-lecture on Munchausen

syndrome. He drank and made no comment. Looked almost as if he were

tuning out.

I said, “Have you heard of this before?”

“No. Why?”

“Most people react a little more strongly.”

“Just taking it all in. . Actually, it reminded me of something.

Several years ago. There was this guy came into the E.R. at Cedars.

Bleeding ulcer. Rick saw him, asked him about stress. Guy says he’s

been hitting the bottle very heavy cause he’s guilty about being a

murderer and getting away with it. Seems he’d been with a call girl,

gotten mad and cut her up. Badly-real psycho slasher thing. Rick

nodded and said uh-huh; then he got the hell out of there and called

Security-then me. The murder had taken place in Westwood. At the time

I was in a car with Del Hardy, working on some robberies over in

Pico-Robertson, and the two of us bopped over right away, Mirandized

him, and listened to what he had to say.

“The turkey was overjoyed to see us. Vomiting out details like we were

his salvation. Names, addresses, dates, weapon. He denied any other

murders and came up clean for wants and warrants. A real

middle-of-the-road type of guy, even owned his own businesscarpet

cleaning, I think. We booked him, had him repeat his confession on

tape, and figured we’d picked up a dream solve. Then we proceeded to

round up verif’ing details and found nothing. No crime, no physical

evidence of any murder at that particular date and place; no hooker had

ever lived at that address or anywhere nearby.

No hooker fitting the name and description he’d given us had ever

existed anywhere in L.A. So we checked unidentified victims, but none

of the Jane Does in the morgue fit, and no moniker in Vice’s files

matched the one he said his girl used. We even ran checks in other

cities, contacted the FBI, figuring maybe he got disoriented-some kind

of psycho thing-and mixed up his locale. He kept insisting it had

happened exactly the way he was telling it. Kept saying he wanted to

be punished.

After three straight days of this: naaa. Guy’s got a courtappointed

attorney against his will, and the lawyer’s screaming at us to make a

case or let his client go. Our lieutenant is putting the pressure

on-put up or shut up. So we keep digging. Zilch.

At this point we begin to suspect we’ve been had, and confront the


He denies it. Really convincing-De Niro could have taken lessons. So

we go over it again. Backtracking, double-checking, driving ourselves

crazy. And still come up empty. Finally, we’re convinced it’s a scam,

get overtly pissed off at the guy-major league bad-cop/bad-cop. He

reacts by getting pissed off, too. But it’s an embarrassed kind of

anger. Slimy. Like he knows he’s been found out and is being

extra-indignant in order to put us on the defensive.”

He shook his head and hummed the Twilight Zone theme.

“What happened?” I said.

“What could happen? We let him walk out and never heard from the

asshole again. We could have busted him for filing a false report, but

that would have bought us lots of paperwork and court time, and for

what? Lecture and a fine on a first offense knocked down to a

misdemeanor? No, thank you. We were really steamed, Alex.

I’ve never seen Del so mad. It had been a heavy week, plenty of real

crimes, very few solutions. And this bastard yanks our chains with

total bullshit.”

Remembered anger colored his face.

“Confessors,” he said. Attention-seeking, jerking everyone around.

Doesn’t that sound like your Munchausen losers?”

“Sounds a lot like them,” I said. “Never thought of it that way.”

“See? I’m a regular font of insight. Go on with your case.”

I told him the rest of it.

He said, “Okay, so what do you want? Background checks on the


Both parents? The nurse?”

“I hadn’t thought in those terms.”

“No? What, then?”

“I really don’t know, Milo. I guess I just wanted some counsel.”

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