Devil’s Waltz. By: Jonathan Kellerman

questions or is it gonna be a one-way show-andtell?

MR. TOKARIK: I reserve my client’s right to refuse to answer any

questions. Proceed if you wish, Detective.

DET. STURGIS: What do you think, Steve?

DET. MARTINEZ: I don’t know.

MR. TOKARI~: Decision, gentlemen?

DET. SrvRGIS: Yeah, okay.. . Well, Chip-Mr Jones-I’m glad you’ve got

yourself a high-priced lawyer like Mr. Tokarik here, cause you’re sure

gonnaMR. TOKARIK: This is definitely getting off on the wrong foot.

My fees have nothing toDET. STURGIS: What are we doing here,

Counselor, interrogating a suspect or critiquing my style?

MR. TOKARIK: I strenuously object to yourDET. SrvRGIS: Object all you

want. This isn’t court.

MR. TOKARIK: I request another conference with my client.

DET. STURGIS: No way. let’s split, Steve.


MR. JONES: Hold on. Sit down.

DET. SrvRGIS: You ordering me around, Junior?

MR. TOKARIK: I object toDET. SrvRGtS: Come on, Steve, we’re outa


MR. JONES: Hold on!

MR. TOKARIK: Chip, it’sMR. JONES: Shut up!

MR. TOKARIK: Chip MR. JONES: Shut up!

DET. STURGIs: Uh-uh, no way do I proceed with this kind of friction

going on between the two of you. Then he complains he wasn’t

represented by counsel of choice? No way.

MR. TOKARIK: Don’t play lawyer with me, Detective.

MR. JONES: Just shut the hell up, Tony! This whole thing is


DET. STURGIS: What is, Professor Jones?

MR. JONES: Your supposed case.

DET. S’rURGIS: You didn’t attempt to inject your daughter, Cassandra

Brooks, with insulin?

MR. JONES: Of course not. I found the needle in Cindy’s purse, got

upset because it confirmed my suspicions about her, and was trying to

see if she’d alreadyMR. TOKARiK: Chip MR. JONES: . . . objected it

into Cassie’s I.V Stop giving me looks, Tony it’s my future at stake

here. I want to hear what kind of folderol they think they’ve got, so

I can clear it up once and for all.

DET. SrvRGIS: Folderol?

MR. TOKARIK: Chip DET. SrvRGIS: I don’t want to continue if MR.

JONES: He’s my attorney of choice, okay? Go on.

DET. SrvRGIs: You’re sure?

MR. JONES: (unintelligible) DET. S’rURGIS: Speak right into that mike

over there.

MR. JONES: Get on with it. I want out of here, posthaste.

DET. SrvRGtS: Yes, sir, massah sir.

MR. TOKARIK: DetectiMR. JONES: Shut up, Tony.

DET. S’1I’RGis: Everyone ready? Okay. First of all, we’ve got you on

videotape, trying to shoot insulin intoMR. JONES: Wrong. I told you

what that was about. I was just trying to see what Cindy was up to.

DET. SrvRGts: Like I said, we’ve got you on videotape, trying to shoot

insulin into your daughter’s intravenous line.

Plus video logs of the cameras at the entrance to Western Pediatric

Medical Center confirming that you didn’t enter the hospital through

the front door. One of the keys on your ring has been identified as a

hospital master. You probably used it to sneaa: in through theMR.

TOKARlK: I objMR. JONES: Tony.

MR. TOKARIK: I request a brief conference with myMR. JONES: Cut it

out, Tony. I’m not one of your idiot sociopaths. Go on with your

fairy tale, Detective. And you’re right, I did use one of Dad’s


So what? Whenever I go to that place I avoid the front door. I try to

be inconspicuous. Is discretion an egregious felony?

DET. SrvRGIS: Let’s go on. You bought two cups of coffee from a

hospital machine, then took the stairs up to the fifth floor. We’ve

got you on video up there too. Out in the hall where Five East meets

Chappell Ward, carrying the coffee and looking through a crack in the

door. What it looks like to me is you’re waiting until the nurse on

duty goes into a back room. Then you go into room 505 West where you

stay for fifty-five minutes until I come in and find you jabbing that

needle into your daughter’s I.V line. We’re going to show you all

those videotapes now, okay?

MR. JONES: Seems eminently superfluous, but suit yourself DET.

S’rURGIS: Action, camera.

Tape off: 8:zz P.M. Tape on: 9:Io P.M. DET. S’rURGIS: Okay. Any


MR. JONES: Godard it’s not.

DET. S’rrIRGIS: No? I thought it had a lot of ier’~te MR. JONES: Are

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