Devil’s Waltz. By: Jonathan Kellerman

once in a while.

That lasted about six months. Then I got into detox and got my

equivalency and got into college.

I majored in math and computer science and did really well and then I

got seduced by another teacher named Ross M. Herbert and was married to

him for two years. He wasn’t a monster like Chip Jones but he was

boring and unhygienic and I divorced him and left college after three


I got a job in computers but that was pretty noncreative so I decided

to be a doctor and went back to school to study pre-med. I had to work

nights and squeeze in my studying. That’s why my grades and my M-CAT

scores weren’t as high as they should have been, but I did get straight

As in math.

I finally finished and applied to a bunch of medical schools but didn’t

get in. I worked as a lab assistant for a year and took the M-CATs

again and did better. So I applied again and made some waiting


I also applied to some Public Health programs in order to get a related

degree, and the best one that accepted me was in Los Angeles, so I came

out here.

I scraped by for four years, kept applying to med school. Then I was

reading the paper and saw an article on Charles Lyman Jones, Jr and

realized it was his father.

That’s when I realized how rich they were and how I’d been ripped off

So I decided to get some of what was coming to me. I tried to call his

father but couldn’t get through to him, even wrote letters he never

answered. So I looked up Chip in city records and found he was living

out in the Valley and went out to see what his house looked like. I

did it at night, so no one could see me. I did it a bunch of times and

got a look at his wife. What freaked me out was how much like me she

looked, before I gained weight. His little daughter was real cute, and

boy, did I feel sorry for the two of them.

I really didn’t want to hurt themthe wife and the little girl-but I

also felt I should warn them what they were up against. And he owed


I went back there several times, thinking about what to do, and then

one night I saw an ambulance pull up in front of the house. He came

out right afterward, in his Volvo, and I followed him at a distance, to

Western Pediatric Medical Center. I stayed behind him all the way to

the Emergency Room and heard him ask about his daughter, Cassie.

The next morning I went back, to Medical Records, wearing my white lab

coat and saying I was Dr. Herbert.

It was really easy, no security. later, they beefed things up.

Anyway, the daughter: her chart was gone but a card was there listing

all these other admissions for her, so I knew he was up to his


The poor little thing.

That’s what really got me going-it wasn’t just the money. Believe it

or don’t, Ashmore, but it’s the truth.

When I saw that card on the little girl, I knew I had to get him. So I

went to Personnel and applied for a job. Three weeks later they called

and oflered me a half-time. With you, Ashmore. Shitty job, but I

could watch Chip without him knowing. I finally got hold of Cassie’s

chart and found out everything he was doing to her. I also read in

there that they’d had a boy who died. So I looked up his chart and

found out he’d had crib death. So Chip had finally murdered someone.

Next time I saw Cassie’s name on the A and b sheets, I watched for him

and finally saw him and followed him out to the parking lot and said,


He was really freaked out, tried to pretend he didn’t know me. Then he

tried to put me on the defensive by saying how much weight I’d


I just told him I knew what he was up to and that he’d better stop.

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