Devil’s Waltz. By: Jonathan Kellerman

give you depends upon the host institution contributing expenses. Some

of the private foundations are also insisting upon it now. All of my

funding came from N.C.I. A no-overhead rule essentially nulli~ all of

my projects. I tried to argue, yelled, screamed, showed them figures

and facts-what we were trying to do with our research; this was

pediatric cancer for God’s sake. No use. So I flew to Washington and

talked with government Visigoths, trying to get them to suspend the


That, too, was futile. Our kinder and gentler bunch, eh? None of them

functions at a human level. So what were my options, Alex? Stay on as

an overeducated technician and give up fifteen years of work?”

“Fifteen years,” I said. “Must have been hard.”

“It wasn’t easy, but it turned out to be afantastic decision. Here, at

Mercy, I sit on the board as a voting member. There are plenty of

idiots here, too, but I can ignore them. As a bonus, my second

child-Amelia is enrolled at the medical school in Miami and lives with

me. My condominium overlooks the ocean and on the rare occasion I

visit Little Havana, it makes me feel like a little boy. It was like

surgery, Alex. The process was painful but the results were worth


“They were stupid to lose you.”

“Of course they were. Fifteen years and not even a gold watch ” He

laughed. “These are not people who hold physicians in awe. All that

matters to them is money.”

“Jones and Plumb?”

And that pair of dogs trailing after them Novak and whatever. They may

be accountants but they remind me of Fidel’s thugs.

Take my advice, Alex: Don’t get too involved there. Why don’t you come

out to Miami and put your skills to use where they’ll be appreciated?

We’ll write a grant together. The AIDS thing is paramount now-so much

sadness. Two thirds of our hemophiliacs have received infected


You could be useful here, Alex.”

“Thanks for the invitation, Raoul.”

“It’s a sincere one. I remember the good we did together.”

“So do I.”

“Think about it, Alex.”


“But of course you won’t.”

Both of us laughed.

I said, “Could I ask you one more thing?”

Also personal?”

“No. What do you know about the Ferris Dixon Institute for Chemical


“Never heard of it. Why?”

“It funded a doctor at Western Peds. With overhead.”

“Really. And which guy is this?”

A toxicologist named Laurence Ashmore. He’s done some epidemiologic

work on childhood cancer.”

Ashmore. . . never heard of him either. What kind of epidemiology

does he do?”

“Pesticides and malignancy rates. Mostly theoretical stuff, playing

with numbers.”

He snorted. “How much did this institute give him?”

“Nearly a million dollars.”



“It’s true,” I said.

“With overhead?”

“High, huh?”

Absurd. What’s the name of this institute?”

“Ferris Dixon. They only funded one other study, much smaller.

An economist named Zimberg.”

“With overhead. . . Hmm, I’ll have to check into that. Thank you for

the tip, Alex. And think about my offer. The sun shines here too.”

I didn’t hear from Milo and had doubts if he’d make our eight o’clock

meeting. When he hadn’t shown up by twenty after, I figured whatever

had held him up at Parker Center had gotten in the way. But at 8:~~

the bell rang, and when I opened the door it was him.

Someone was standing behind him.

Presley Huenengarth. His face floated over Milo’s shoulder like a

malignant moon. His mouth was as small as a baby’s.

Milo saw the look in my eyes, gave an it’s-okay wink, put his hand on

my shoulder, and walked in. Huenengarth hesitated for a moment before

following. His hands were at his sides. No gun. No bulge in his

jacket; no sign of coercIon.

The two of them could have been a cop team.

Milo said, “Be right with you,” and went into the kitchen.

Huenengarth stood there. His hands were thick and mottled and his eyes

were everywhere. The door was still open. When I closed it, he didn’t


I walked into the living room. Though I couldn’t hear him, I knew he

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