Dickens, Charles – Pictures from Italy

as plainly, Porter. Nothing could be more expressive than his

reception of the peasants who are entering the gate with baskets

and burdens. There is a roll in his eye, and a chuckle in his

throat, which should qualify him to be chosen Superior of an Order

of Ravens. He knows all about it. ‘It’s all right,’ he says. ‘We

know what we know. Come along, good people. Glad to see you!’

How was this extraordinary structure ever built in such a

situation, where the labour of conveying the stone, and iron, and

marble, so great a height, must have been prodigious? ‘Caw!’ says

the raven, welcoming the peasants. How, being despoiled by

plunder, fire and earthquake, has it risen from its ruins, and been

again made what we now see it, with its church so sumptuous and

magnificent? ‘Caw!’ says the raven, welcoming the peasants. These

people have a miserable appearance, and (as usual) are densely

ignorant, and all beg, while the monks are chaunting in the chapel.

‘Caw!’ says the raven, ‘Cuckoo!’

So we leave him, chuckling and rolling his eye at the convent gate,

and wind slowly down again through the cloud. At last emerging

from it, we come in sight of the village far below, and the flat

green country intersected by rivulets; which is pleasant and fresh

to see after the obscurity and haze of the convent – no disrespect

to the raven, or the holy friars.

Away we go again, by muddy roads, and through the most shattered

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Dickens, Charles – Pictures From Italy

and tattered of villages, where there is not a whole window among

all the houses, or a whole garment among all the peasants, or the

least appearance of anything to eat, in any of the wretched

hucksters’ shops. The women wear a bright red bodice laced before

and behind, a white skirt, and the Neapolitan head-dress of square

folds of linen, primitively meant to carry loads on. The men and

children wear anything they can get. The soldiers are as dirty and

rapacious as the dogs. The inns are such hobgoblin places, that

they are infinitely more attractive and amusing than the best

hotels in Paris. Here is one near Valmontone (that is Valmontone

the round, walled town on the mount opposite), which is approached

by a quagmire almost knee-deep. There is a wild colonnade below,

and a dark yard full of empty stables and lofts, and a great long

kitchen with a great long bench and a great long form, where a

party of travellers, with two priests among them, are crowding

round the fire while their supper is cooking. Above stairs, is a

rough brick gallery to sit in, with very little windows with very

small patches of knotty glass in them, and all the doors that open

from it (a dozen or two) off their hinges, and a bare board on

tressels for a table, at which thirty people might dine easily, and

a fireplace large enough in itself for a breakfast-parlour, where,

as the faggots blaze and crackle, they illuminate the ugliest and

grimmest of faces, drawn in charcoal on the whitewashed chimneysides

by previous travellers. There is a flaring country lamp on

the table; and, hovering about it, scratching her thick black hair

continually, a yellow dwarf of a woman, who stands on tiptoe to

arrange the hatchet knives, and takes a flying leap to look into

the water-jug. The beds in the adjoining rooms are of the

liveliest kind. There is not a solitary scrap of looking-glass in

the house, and the washing apparatus is identical with the cooking

utensils. But the yellow dwarf sets on the table a good flask of

excellent wine, holding a quart at least; and produces, among halfa-

dozen other dishes, two-thirds of a roasted kid, smoking hot.

She is as good-humoured, too, as dirty, which is saying a great

deal. So here’s long life to her, in the flask of wine, and

prosperity to the establishment.

Rome gained and left behind, and with it the Pilgrims who are now

repairing to their own homes again – each with his scallop shell

and staff, and soliciting alms for the love of God – we come, by a

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Categories: Charles Dickens