Dickens, Charles – Pictures from Italy

chimney; its little counter by the door, with bottles, jars,

and glasses on it; its household implements and scraps of dress

against the wall; and a sober-looking woman (she must have a

congenial life of it, with Goblin,) knitting at the door – looked

exactly like a picture by OSTADE.

I walked round the building on the outside, in a sort of dream, and

yet with the delightful sense of having awakened from it, of which

the light, down in the vaults, had given me the assurance. The

immense thickness and giddy height of the walls, the enormous

strength of the massive towers, the great extent of the building,

its gigantic proportions, frowning aspect, and barbarous

irregularity, awaken awe and wonder. The recollection of its

opposite old uses: an impregnable fortress, a luxurious palace, a

horrible prison, a place of torture, the court of the Inquisition:

at one and the same time, a house of feasting, fighting, religion,

and blood: gives to every stone in its huge form a fearful

interest, and imparts new meaning to its incongruities. I could

think of little, however, then, or long afterwards, but the sun in

the dungeons. The palace coming down to be the lounging-place of

noisy soldiers, and being forced to echo their rough talk, and

common oaths, and to have their garments fluttering from its dirty

windows, was some reduction of its state, and something to rejoice

at; but the day in its cells, and the sky for the roof of its

chambers of cruelty – that was its desolation and defeat! If I had

seen it in a blaze from ditch to rampart, I should have felt that

not that light, nor all the light in all the fire that burns, could

waste it, like the sunbeams in its secret council-chamber, and its


Before I quit this Palace of the Popes, let me translate from the

little history I mentioned just now, a short anecdote, quite

appropriate to itself, connected with its adventures.

‘An ancient tradition relates, that in 1441, a nephew of Pierre de

Lude, the Pope’s legate, seriously insulted some distinguished

ladies of Avignon, whose relations, in revenge, seized the young

man, and horribly mutilated him. For several years the legate kept

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Dickens, Charles – Pictures From Italy

HIS revenge within his own breast, but he was not the less resolved

upon its gratification at last. He even made, in the fulness of

time, advances towards a complete reconciliation; and when their

apparent sincerity had prevailed, he invited to a splendid banquet,

in this palace, certain families, whole families, whom he sought to

exterminate. The utmost gaiety animated the repast; but the

measures of the legate were well taken. When the dessert was on

the board, a Swiss presented himself, with the announcement that a

strange ambassador solicited an extraordinary audience. The

legate, excusing himself, for the moment, to his guests, retired,

followed by his officers. Within a few minutes afterwards, five

hundred persons were reduced to ashes: the whole of that wing of

the building having been blown into the air with a terrible


After seeing the churches (I will not trouble you with churches

just now), we left Avignon that afternoon. The heat being very

great, the roads outside the walls were strewn with people fast

asleep in every little slip of shade, and with lazy groups, half

asleep and half awake, who were waiting until the sun should be low

enough to admit of their playing bowls among the burnt-up trees,

and on the dusty road. The harvest here was already gathered in,

and mules and horses were treading out the corn in the fields. We

came, at dusk, upon a wild and hilly country, once famous for

brigands; and travelled slowly up a steep ascent. So we went on,

until eleven at night, when we halted at the town of Aix (within

two stages of Marseilles) to sleep.

The hotel, with all the blinds and shutters closed to keep the

light and heat out, was comfortable and airy next morning, and the

town was very clean; but so hot, and so intensely light, that when

I walked out at noon it was like coming suddenly from the darkened

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Categories: Charles Dickens