Dickens, Charles – Pictures from Italy

corner, an equestrian company from Paris: marshalling themselves

under the walls of the church, and flouting, with their horses’

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heels, the griffins, lions, tigers, and other monsters in stone and

marble, decorating its exterior. First, there came a stately

nobleman with a great deal of hair, and no hat, bearing an enormous

banner, on which was inscribed, MAZEPPA! TO-NIGHT! Then, a

Mexican chief, with a great pear-shaped club on his shoulder, like

Hercules. Then, six or eight Roman chariots: each with a

beautiful lady in extremely short petticoats, and unnaturally pink

tights, erect within: shedding beaming looks upon the crowd, in

which there was a latent expression of discomposure and anxiety,

for which I couldn’t account, until, as the open back of each

chariot presented itself, I saw the immense difficulty with which

the pink legs maintained their perpendicular, over the uneven

pavement of the town: which gave me quite a new idea of the

ancient Romans and Britons. The procession was brought to a close,

by some dozen indomitable warriors of different nations, riding two

and two, and haughtily surveying the tame population of Modena:

among whom, however, they occasionally condescended to scatter

largesse in the form of a few handbills. After caracolling among

the lions and tigers, and proclaiming that evening’s entertainments

with blast of trumpet, it then filed off, by the other end of the

square, and left a new and greatly increased dulness behind.

When the procession had so entirely passed away, that the shrill

trumpet was mild in the distance, and the tail of the last horse

was hopelessly round the corner, the people who had come out of the

church to stare at it, went back again. But one old lady, kneeling

on the pavement within, near the door, had seen it all, and had

been immensely interested, without getting up; and this old lady’s

eye, at that juncture, I happened to catch: to our mutual

confusion. She cut our embarrassment very short, however, by

crossing herself devoutly, and going down, at full length, on her

face, before a figure in a fancy petticoat and a gilt crown; which

was so like one of the procession-figures, that perhaps at this

hour she may think the whole appearance a celestial vision.

Anyhow, I must certainly have forgiven her her interest in the

Circus, though I had been her Father Confessor.

There was a little fiery-eyed old man with a crooked shoulder, in

the cathedral, who took it very ill that I made no effort to see

the bucket (kept in an old tower) which the people of Modena took

away from the people of Bologna in the fourteenth century, and

about which there was war made and a mock-heroic poem by TASSONE,

too. Being quite content, however, to look at the outside of the

tower, and feast, in imagination, on the bucket within; and

preferring to loiter in the shade of the tall Campanile, and about

the cathedral; I have no personal knowledge of this bucket, even at

the present time.

Indeed, we were at Bologna, before the little old man (or the

Guide-Book) would have considered that we had half done justice to

the wonders of Modena. But it is such a delight to me to leave new

scenes behind, and still go on, encountering newer scenes – and,

moreover, I have such a perverse disposition in respect of sights

that are cut, and dried, and dictated – that I fear I sin against

similar authorities in every place I visit.

Be this as it may, in the pleasant Cemetery at Bologna, I found

myself walking next Sunday morning, among the stately marble tombs

and colonnades, in company with a crowd of Peasants, and escorted

by a little Cicerone of that town, who was excessively anxious for

the honour of the place, and most solicitous to divert my attention

from the bad monuments: whereas he was never tired of extolling

the good ones. Seeing this little man (a good-humoured little man

he was, who seemed to have nothing in his face but shining teeth

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and eyes) looking wistfully at a certain plot of grass, I asked him

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