Dickens, Charles – Pictures from Italy

In the private palaces, pictures are seen to the best advantage.

There are seldom so many in one place that the attention need

become distracted, or the eye confused. You see them very

leisurely; and are rarely interrupted by a crowd of people. There

are portraits innumerable, by Titian, and Rembrandt, and Vandyke;

heads by Guido, and Domenichino, and Carlo Dolci; various subjects

by Correggio, and Murillo, and Raphael, and Salvator Rosa, and

Spagnoletto – many of which it would be difficult, indeed, to

praise too highly, or to praise enough; such is their tenderness

and grace; their noble elevation, purity, and beauty.

The portrait of Beatrice di Cenci, in the Palazzo Berberini, is a

picture almost impossible to be forgotten. Through the

transcendent sweetness and beauty of the face, there is a something

shining out, that haunts me. I see it now, as I see this paper, or

my pen. The head is loosely draped in white; the light hair

falling down below the linen folds. She has turned suddenly

towards you; and there is an expression in the eyes – although they

are very tender and gentle – as if the wildness of a momentary

terror, or distraction, had been struggled with and overcome, that

instant; and nothing but a celestial hope, and a beautiful sorrow,

and a desolate earthly helplessness remained. Some stories say

that Guido painted it, the night before her execution; some other

stories, that he painted it from memory, after having seen her, on

her way to the scaffold. I am willing to believe that, as you see

her on his canvas, so she turned towards him, in the crowd, from

the first sight of the axe, and stamped upon his mind a look which

he has stamped on mine as though I had stood beside him in the

concourse. The guilty palace of the Cenci: blighting a whole

quarter of the town, as it stands withering away by grains: had

that face, to my fancy, in its dismal porch, and at its black,

blind windows, and flitting up and down its dreary stairs, and

growing out of the darkness of the ghostly galleries. The History

is written in the Painting; written, in the dying girl’s face, by

Nature’s own hand. And oh! how in that one touch she puts to

flight (instead of making kin) the puny world that claim to be

related to her, in right of poor conventional forgeries!

I saw in the Palazzo Spada, the statue of Pompey; the statue at

whose base Caesar fell. A stern, tremendous figure! I imagined

one of greater finish: of the last refinement: full of delicate

touches: losing its distinctness, in the giddy eyes of one whose

blood was ebbing before it, and settling into some such rigid

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Dickens, Charles – Pictures From Italy

majesty as this, as Death came creeping over the upturned face.

The excursions in the neighbourhood of Rome are charming, and would

be full of interest were it only for the changing views they

afford, of the wild Campagna. But, every inch of ground, in every

direction, is rich in associations, and in natural beauties. There

is Albano, with its lovely lake and wooded shore, and with its

wine, that certainly has not improved since the days of Horace, and

in these times hardly justifies his panegyric. There is squalid

Tivoli, with the river Anio, diverted from its course, and plunging

down, headlong, some eighty feet in search of it. With its

picturesque Temple of the Sibyl, perched high on a crag; its minor

waterfalls glancing and sparkling in the sun; and one good cavern

yawning darkly, where the river takes a fearful plunge and shoots

on, low down under beetling rocks. There, too, is the Villa

d’Este, deserted and decaying among groves of melancholy pine and

cypress trees, where it seems to lie in state. Then, there is

Frascati, and, on the steep above it, the ruins of Tusculum, where

Cicero lived, and wrote, and adorned his favourite house (some

fragments of it may yet be seen there), and where Cato was born.

We saw its ruined amphitheatre on a grey, dull day, when a shrill

March wind was blowing, and when the scattered stones of the old

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Categories: Charles Dickens