Dickens, Charles – Pictures from Italy

waistcoat pocket when he is told the price, and walks away without

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Dickens, Charles – Pictures From Italy

a word: having thoroughly conveyed to the seller that he considers

it too dear. Two people in carriages, meeting, one touches his

lips, twice or thrice, holding up the five fingers of his right

hand, and gives a horizontal cut in the air with the palm. The

other nods briskly, and goes his way. He has been invited to a

friendly dinner at half-past five o’clock, and will certainly come.

All over Italy, a peculiar shake of the right hand from the wrist,

with the forefinger stretched out, expresses a negative – the only

negative beggars will ever understand. But, in Naples, those five

fingers are a copious language.

All this, and every other kind of out-door life and stir, and

macaroni-eating at sunset, and flower-selling all day long, and

begging and stealing everywhere and at all hours, you see upon the

bright sea-shore, where the waves of the bay sparkle merrily. But,

lovers and hunters of the picturesque, let us not keep too

studiously out of view the miserable depravity, degradation, and

wretchedness, with which this gay Neapolitan life is inseparably

associated! It is not well to find Saint Giles’s so repulsive, and

the Porta Capuana so attractive. A pair of naked legs and a ragged

red scarf, do not make ALL the difference between what is

interesting and what is coarse and odious? Painting and poetising

for ever, if you will, the beauties of this most beautiful and

lovely spot of earth, let us, as our duty, try to associate a new

picturesque with some faint recognition of man’s destiny and

capabilities; more hopeful, I believe, among the ice and snow of

the North Pole, than in the sun and bloom of Naples.

Capri – once made odious by the deified beast Tiberius – Ischia,

Procida, and the thousand distant beauties of the Bay, lie in the

blue sea yonder, changing in the mist and sunshine twenty times aday:

now close at hand, now far off, now unseen. The fairest

country in the world, is spread about us. Whether we turn towards

the Miseno shore of the splendid watery amphitheatre, and go by the

Grotto of Posilipo to the Grotto del Cane and away to Baiae: or

take the other way, towards Vesuvius and Sorrento, it is one

succession of delights. In the last-named direction, where, over

doors and archways, there are countless little images of San

Gennaro, with his Canute’s hand stretched out, to check the fury of

the Burning Mountain, we are carried pleasantly, by a railroad on

the beautiful Sea Beach, past the town of Torre del Greco, built

upon the ashes of the former town destroyed by an eruption of

Vesuvius, within a hundred years; and past the flat-roofed houses,

granaries, and macaroni manufactories; to Castel-a-Mare, with its

ruined castle, now inhabited by fishermen, standing in the sea upon

a heap of rocks. Here, the railroad terminates; but, hence we may

ride on, by an unbroken succession of enchanting bays, and

beautiful scenery, sloping from the highest summit of Saint Angelo,

the highest neighbouring mountain, down to the water’s edge – among

vineyards, olive-trees, gardens of oranges and lemons, orchards,

heaped-up rocks, green gorges in the hills – and by the bases of

snow-covered heights, and through small towns with handsome, darkhaired

women at the doors – and pass delicious summer villas – to

Sorrento, where the Poet Tasso drew his inspiration from the beauty

surrounding him. Returning, we may climb the heights above Castela-

Mare, and looking down among the boughs and leaves, see the crisp

water glistening in the sun; and clusters of white houses in

distant Naples, dwindling, in the great extent of prospect, down to

dice. The coming back to the city, by the beach again, at sunset:

with the glowing sea on one side, and the darkening mountain, with

its smoke and flame, upon the other: is a sublime conclusion to

the glory of the day.

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That church by the Porta Capuana – near the old fisher-market in

the dirtiest quarter of dirty Naples, where the revolt of

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Categories: Charles Dickens