Dickens, Charles – Pictures from Italy

side of the grated door, representing a select party of souls,

frying. One of them has a grey moustache, and an elaborate head of

grey hair: as if he had been taken out of a hairdresser’s window

and cast into the furnace. There he is: a most grotesque and

hideously comic old soul: for ever blistering in the real sun, and

melting in the mimic fire, for the gratification and improvement

(and the contributions) of the poor Genoese.

They are not a very joyous people, and are seldom seen to dance on

their holidays: the staple places of entertainment among the

women, being the churches and the public walks. They are very

good-tempered, obliging, and industrious. Industry has not made

them clean, for their habitations are extremely filthy, and their

usual occupation on a fine Sunday morning, is to sit at their

doors, hunting in each other’s heads. But their dwellings are so

close and confined that if those parts of the city had been beaten

down by Massena in the time of the terrible Blockade, it would have

at least occasioned one public benefit among many misfortunes.

The Peasant Women, with naked feet and legs, are so constantly

washing clothes, in the public tanks, and in every stream and

ditch, that one cannot help wondering, in the midst of all this

dirt, who wears them when they are clean. The custom is to lay the

wet linen which is being operated upon, on a smooth stone, and

hammer away at it, with a flat wooden mallet. This they do, as

furiously as if they were revenging themselves on dress in general

for being connected with the Fall of Mankind.

It is not unusual to see, lying on the edge of the tank at these

times, or on another flat stone, an unfortunate baby, tightly

swathed up, arms and legs and all, in an enormous quantity of

wrapper, so that it is unable to move a toe or finger. This custom

(which we often see represented in old pictures) is universal among

the common people. A child is left anywhere without the

possibility of crawling away, or is accidentally knocked off a

shelf, or tumbled out of bed, or is hung up to a hook now and then,

and left dangling like a doll at an English rag-shop, without the

least inconvenience to anybody.

I was sitting, one Sunday, soon after my arrival, in the little

country church of San Martino, a couple of miles from the city,

while a baptism took place. I saw the priest, and an attendant

with a large taper, and a man, and a woman, and some others; but I

had no more idea, until the ceremony was all over, that it was a

baptism, or that the curious little stiff instrument, that was

passed from one to another, in the course of the ceremony, by the

handle – like a short poker – was a child, than I had that it was

my own christening. I borrowed the child afterwards, for a minute

or two (it was lying across the font then), and found it very red

in the face but perfectly quiet, and not to be bent on any terms.

The number of cripples in the streets, soon ceased to surprise me.

There are plenty of Saints’ and Virgin’s Shrines, of course;

generally at the corners of streets. The favourite memento to the

Faithful, about Genoa, is a painting, representing a peasant on his

knees, with a spade and some other agricultural implements beside

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Dickens, Charles – Pictures From Italy

him; and the Madonna, with the Infant Saviour in her arms,

appearing to him in a cloud. This is the legend of the Madonna

della Guardia: a chapel on a mountain within a few miles, which is

in high repute. It seems that this peasant lived all alone by

himself, tilling some land atop of the mountain, where, being a

devout man, he daily said his prayers to the Virgin in the open

air; for his hut was a very poor one. Upon a certain day, the

Virgin appeared to him, as in the picture, and said, ‘Why do you

pray in the open air, and without a priest?’ The peasant explained

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