Dickens, Charles – Pictures from Italy

directly, lest you should come within the range of the new


There were numbers of men, working high up in these hills – on the

sides – clearing away, and sending down the broken masses of stone

and earth, to make way for the blocks of marble that had been

discovered. As these came rolling down from unseen hands into the

narrow valley, I could not help thinking of the deep glen (just the

same sort of glen) where the Roc left Sindbad the Sailor; and where

the merchants from the heights above, flung down great pieces of

meat for the diamonds to stick to. There were no eagles here, to

darken the sun in their swoop, and pounce upon them; but it was as

wild and fierce as if there had been hundreds.

But the road, the road down which the marble comes, however immense

the blocks! The genius of the country, and the spirit of its

institutions, pave that road: repair it, watch it, keep it going!

Conceive a channel of water running over a rocky bed, beset with

great heaps of stone of all shapes and sizes, winding down the

middle of this valley; and THAT being the road – because it was the

road five hundred years ago! Imagine the clumsy carts of five

hundred years ago, being used to this hour, and drawn, as they used

to be, five hundred years ago, by oxen, whose ancestors were worn

to death five hundred years ago, as their unhappy descendants are

now, in twelve months, by the suffering and agony of this cruel

work! Two pair, four pair, ten pair, twenty pair, to one block,

according to its size; down it must come, this way. In their

struggling from stone to stone, with their enormous loads behind

them, they die frequently upon the spot; and not they alone; for

their passionate drivers, sometimes tumbling down in their energy,

are crushed to death beneath the wheels. But it was good five

hundred years ago, and it must be good now: and a railroad down

one of these steeps (the easiest thing in the world) would be flat


When we stood aside, to see one of these cars drawn by only a pair

of oxen (for it had but one small block of marble on it), coming

down, I hailed, in my heart, the man who sat upon the heavy yoke,

to keep it on the neck of the poor beasts – and who faced

backwards: not before him – as the very Devil of true despotism.

He had a great rod in his hand, with an iron point; and when they

could plough and force their way through the loose bed of the

torrent no longer, and came to a stop, he poked it into their

bodies, beat it on their heads, screwed it round and round in their

nostrils, got them on a yard or two, in the madness of intense

pain; repeated all these persuasions, with increased intensity of

purpose, when they stopped again; got them on, once more; forced

and goaded them to an abrupter point of the descent; and when their

writhing and smarting, and the weight behind them, bore them

plunging down the precipice in a cloud of scattered water, whirled

his rod above his head, and gave a great whoop and hallo, as if he

had achieved something, and had no idea that they might shake him

off, and blindly mash his brains upon the road, in the noon-tide of

his triumph.

Page 66

Dickens, Charles – Pictures From Italy

Standing in one of the many studii of Carrara, that afternoon – for

it is a great workshop, full of beautifully-finished copies in

marble, of almost every figure, group, and bust, we know – it

seemed, at first, so strange to me that those exquisite shapes,

replete with grace, and thought, and delicate repose, should grow

out of all this toil, and sweat, and torture! But I soon found a

parallel to it, and an explanation of it, in every virtue that

springs up in miserable ground, and every good thing that has its

birth in sorrow and distress. And, looking out of the sculptor’s

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