Dickens, Charles – Pictures from Italy

we crossed it by a floating bridge of boats, and so came into the

Austrian territory, and resumed our journey: through a country of

which, for some miles, a great part was under water. The brave

Courier and the soldiery had first quarrelled, for half an hour or

more, over our eternal passport. But this was a daily relaxation

with the Brave, who was always stricken deaf when shabby

functionaries in uniform came, as they constantly did come,

plunging out of wooden boxes to look at it – or in other words to

beg – and who, stone deaf to my entreaties that the man might have

a trifle given him, and we resume our journey in peace, was wont to

sit reviling the functionary in broken English: while the

unfortunate man’s face was a portrait of mental agony framed in the

coach window, from his perfect ignorance of what was being said to

his disparagement.

There was a postilion, in the course of this day’s journey, as wild

and savagely good-looking a vagabond as you would desire to see.

He was a tall, stout-made, dark-complexioned fellow, with a

profusion of shaggy black hair hanging all over his face, and great

black whiskers stretching down his throat. His dress was a torn

suit of rifle green, garnished here and there with red; a steeplecrowned

hat, innocent of nap, with a broken and bedraggled feather

stuck in the band; and a flaming red neckerchief hanging on his

shoulders. He was not in the saddle, but reposed, quite at his

ease, on a sort of low foot-board in front of the postchaise, down

amongst the horses’ tails – convenient for having his brains kicked

out, at any moment. To this Brigand, the brave Courier, when we

were at a reasonable trot, happened to suggest the practicability

of going faster. He received the proposal with a perfect yell of

derision; brandished his whip about his head (such a whip! it was

more like a home-made bow); flung up his heels, much higher than

the horses; and disappeared, in a paroxysm, somewhere in the

neighbourhood of the axletree. I fully expected to see him lying

in the road, a hundred yards behind, but up came the steeplecrowned

hat again, next minute, and he was seen reposing, as on a

sofa, entertaining himself with the idea, and crying, ‘Ha, ha! what

next! Oh the devil! Faster too! Shoo – hoo – o – o!’ (This last

ejaculation, an inexpressibly defiant hoot.) Being anxious to

reach our immediate destination that night, I ventured, by-and-by,

to repeat the experiment on my own account. It produced exactly

the same effect. Round flew the whip with the same scornful

flourish, up came the heels, down went the steeple-crowned hat, and

presently he reappeared, reposing as before and saying to himself,

‘Ha ha! what next! Faster too! Oh the devil! Shoo – hoo – o –


Page 48

Dickens, Charles – Pictures From Italy


I HAD been travelling, for some days; resting very little in the

night, and never in the day. The rapid and unbroken succession of

novelties that had passed before me, came back like half-formed

dreams; and a crowd of objects wandered in the greatest confusion

through my mind, as I travelled on, by a solitary road. At

intervals, some one among them would stop, as it were, in its

restless flitting to and fro, and enable me to look at it, quite

steadily, and behold it in full distinctness. After a few moments,

it would dissolve, like a view in a magic-lantern; and while I saw

some part of it quite plainly, and some faintly, and some not at

all, would show me another of the many places I had lately seen,

lingering behind it, and coming through it. This was no sooner

visible than, in its turn, it melted into something else.

At one moment, I was standing again, before the brown old rugged

churches of Modena. As I recognised the curious pillars with grim

monsters for their bases, I seemed to see them, standing by

themselves in the quiet square at Padua, where there were the staid

old University, and the figures, demurely gowned, grouped here and

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Categories: Charles Dickens